Nice ways

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M/n sheathed his sword as he watched the remaining body parts of the demon start to dissolve into ashes. He sighed at bright moon as he raked his fingers through his hair.

"I should go home,"

At a distance,the constant sound of a wooden sword swung on and on and about could be heard. Despite the sunny day and the sweat dripping down his face,M/n continued with his drills.

Swinging. Again. Again. And again.

He didn't stop even after he heard footsteps approach him. He didn't need to turn around to know it was Shinobu either. The lightness of her footsteps was enough to give it away.

"M/n-kun, don't you think you should take a break for a while? You've been on since morning,it's best to get some rest. A demon slayer is no use when they're too tired to move," The smile on Shinobu's lips never left her face, but her point was made very clear.

He needed rest.

M/n stopped for a while which gave Shinobu false hope that he'd take a rest. She knew better, however. She only sighed as her expectations were right. She knew he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied.

"Alright. Don't overwork yourself,okay?" She said with such a cheery voice before walking away,not awaiting for his answer. As she disappeared out of sight,
M/n walked away to do some other training,but before he could walk away,he was a second to late to stopping the hand that hit his head.

He winced in pain and grit his teeth as he glared at the pigtailed girl. Aoi rivaled with that same glare as she placed her hands on her hips.

"What was that for-!"

"You should really stop bothering Shinobu-san!" Aoi interrupted him. M/n was confused at the statement. First of all, he never even went to bother Shinobu at all! She approached him.

Aoi only let out a loud tsk at the confused look on the h/c's face. He really is an idiot. She doesnt know why Shinobu even bothered with him in the first place.

"Training with such determination isn't a bad thing and all, but when Shinobu-san tells you to rest,you really should!" She then pointed a finger close to his face "If something happens to you because you overworked yourself from training,Im not gonna take care of you! Neither will Shinobu-san, she's busy too,"

Much like Shinobu, Aoi walked away after getting her point crossed. Rubbing the back of his neck, M/n glanced at the side with shame. Maybe it was true. Maybe he was being a little selfish.

He walked to a tree and sat in the shade. He sighed. Closing his eyes, he thought a little rest wouldn't be too bad,but before he could drift into a peaceful nap,he heard feet shuffling towards him. Opening his eyes, he stared at the three little girls holding out sliced watermelons.

"Um...Shinobu-san said to cut these watermelons...would you like some?" One of them held out the tray of watermelons. They looked at him with hopeful eyes, encouraging him to take atleast one. In the end,M/n ended up with one watermelon as he sat beady eyed and alone umderneath the tree.

He still didnt know why everyone seemed so persistently nice to him today.

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