The Ending and Notes

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"They're both probably hiding out until there's only three or four of us left," Jonathan mused, tracing a pattern in the dirt with his stick.

Dread settled in Craig's stomach. Something didn't feel right, his gut was telling him that tonight wasn't going to be as uneventful as they hoped.


Bryce was glad Ryan and Luke had left him alone at the camp during the day. Having Ryan constantly around him was physically and emotionally exhausting, he was always on alert when he was around.

He spent the day wandering aimlessly around the circumference of their campsite and stash of items. It was nice to not have Ryan breathing down the back of his neck every minute of the day. Bryce could finally let his guard down seeing that he didn't have to restrain himself from strangling Ryan every second.

As the sun set, Bryce spotted Ryan and Luke emerging through the trees. Ryan sported a bloodied knife and Luke carried a grimace on his face and sorrow on his shoulders. They leisurely walked back to the camp and Ryan tossed the dirty knife onto their weaponry pile.

"What happened out there?" Bryce asked.

"I killed one of the bitches from 10," Ryan stated, "You should have seen it, he was practically begging me to spare his life. It was pathetic, right Luke?"

"Right, it was great," Luke replied. Bryce knew a fake smile when he saw one, and Luke was sporting the widest, forced smile Bryce had seen in a long time. Luke's eyes betrayed his thoughts, clearly Ryan was lying about how the killing went down.

"Exactly. The little faggot had it coming, he deserved to die," Ryan scoffed.

Bryce grasped his stomach as it writhed with anger. How dare he insult the couple from District 10 when he was a thousand times worse than anyone else in this arena? Bryce couldn't believe his ears; Ryan had assaulted him, but he had the nerve to bash Brian and Brock like they were the foul ones?

The hairs on Bryce's neck stood up as he realised Ryan's icy gaze was fixated on him. He was waiting for Bryce to kiss his ass, he realised.

"Good job," Bryce huffed, turning his attention to the dirt under his thumbnail. Anything was more appealing than Ryan's gloating face.

"What did you say?" Ryan spat. Bryce whipped his head back up to face the man. He stalked over to Bryce and brandished a knife from his jacket pocket. He grabbed Bryce by the back of his head to hold him in place as he pressed the blade to his throat.

"Do you want to repeat that? Maybe make it sincere this time?" Ryan threatened. Bryce fought back a hiss as the blade made a small incision on his neck. A bead of blood welled up and ran down his throat.

"Congratulations Ryan, that kill was very risky but I knew you would be capable," Bryce rattled off. Ryan nodded and withdrew the knife from his neck. Bryce's hand flew up to staunch the light blood flow.

"That's what I thought you said," Ryan glared. Ryan walked away, head up to the sky as the tributes' names and faces flashed above. Bryce caught Luke's gaze and froze. Luke gave him a pitiful look, but Bryce could tell that he was fed up with Ryan's ego as well.


The rest of the notes are for the above chapter, yes the notes are rather crude but again these are here for the people who want to know how this ends:

•David POV: stumbles around, lost without Lui, stumbles onto Tyler's camp. Begs for mercy, he wants to join their alliance or have a quick end. Tyler takes mercy on him, he wishes him well in his afterlife asks him if there's anything else he wanted to say. "Lui, I love you, even though we didn't know each other for very long, I never experienced a connection like that before. And fuck the Hunger Games, for making children slaughter each other. Kill me now, Tyler." Tyler snaps his neck, cannon sounds.

One Fell Swoop { A Banana Bus / Hunger Games Story }Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora