Chapter Four - Parade

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Jon was in heaven, that was the only explanation as to why Evan was dressed the way he was. He was dressed in a fiery red, form fitting jumpsuit, matching Jonathan's own jumpsuit. Evan had sequins sprawling across his  muscular shoulders and toned torso. He had little, clear gems glued down his temple and cheekbone, trying to imitate the shine of a jewel. Jonathan had similar gems but on the opposite side of his face. Evan's jet black hair had been tinged with red and swept upwards out of his chocolate eyes.

Evan was staring back at Jonathan with a familiar ferocity that matched his outfit.

"If you look at the crowds like how you are looking at me right now, you'll be a fan favourite in no time," Jonathan smiled, his cheeks hurting from the closest shave he's ever had.

"So, we're supposed to be rubies? How do you think it turned out?" Evan asked gesturing to his body and swaying his hips a bit. Jon tried to calm himself down as he nodded.

"It turned out stunning, the crowds won't be able to look away from you," their mentor, Blake, replied, slow clapping as he approached.

"Also, like Jon said, give the crowd a dashing smile and you'll have them wrapped around your finger in no time at all," Blake finished. Jon and Evan eyed each other once more, grinning as they did so. They approached their chariot and could hear the screams of the crowd from the stadium. The black horses were all getting restless, standing still but neighing and looking about. Blake escorted Evan and Jonathan over to the first chariot, swirling metal designs with a sleek, golden finish.

"Just remember boys, hold onto the chariot somewhere, and smile and wave. The closed off tributes are never crowd favourites. I'll see you once the ceremony is over." Blake strutted away as fast as he could with his fake leg. The rest of the tributes began to pour into the preparation room. Only a small outing was visible in the room, and that was the track to the arena, where the announcers will celebrate the different districts and read out the costumes they were wearing. Jonathan didn't dare look back at the other tributes, he hadn't seen them yet and he didn't want to be intimidated just before making a true first impression to the Capitol.

"Hey Evan?" Jonathan asked, turning to face the taller man.

"Yeah Jon?" Evan replied, facing Jonathan too. Jonathan took a step backwards in the chariot as Evan took a step forwards. Jonathan's hips met the wooden and metal sides, but Evan kept moving forward until he was planted firmly in between Jonathan's legs. Evan tilted his head down so they were sharing the same air. Jonathan took a deep breath, not looking away.

"Good luck out there, don't lose your cool. I'm right beside you," Jon reassured. Evan faltered and stepped backwards. He regained his composure and smiled.

"You too Jon, we should hold hands for the crowd," Evan suggested. Before responding Jon grasped Evan's large hand in his own, running his thumb over the other's knuckles. Jonathan felt himself flush as Evan grinned. They faced the front as they felt the chariot begin to move slowly. Jon gulped. This is his moment.

Bryce took a breath of fresh air once he reached the chariot room. Being examined and poked and prodded by three strangers for hours upon hours was not how Bryce planned his day would go. None of this is how Bryce planned his day to go. The stylists had said that Bryce was too pretty for a game this brutal, he would be better in the Capitol working as a model. They said it was a shame he was entering, because he was either going to die or come out mentally deranged.

His district partner was skittish, Bryce didn't want to stay around John for any longer than he had to. John looked like the type of guy to accidentally twitch over a trigger and kill his ally. Definitely not who Bryce wanted to team up with.

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