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Hi there! Thanks for clicking! Before I get started, I'd like to introduce you to our characters!

Elsa- Total loner. She doesn't like socializing, and never volunteers in class. However, she is very serious about her education and always studies. She hates social media. The only person who will get her to come out of the bathroom during lunch to talk to other teenagers is her sister, Anna.

Anna- Miss popular. Everyone loves her. She's always happy, energetic, and gets all A's on her report card. She's always on Tic Toc whether driving, at home, or at lunch. She absolutely loves Starbucks, but is more madly in love with Kristoff. But is her live really this perfect?

Kristoff- That one kid. He's always raging at his locker, getting in trouble (and making the whole class laugh) and he always smells like dirty onions, oblivious that showers exist. He's also clueless when it comes to phones. However, after he starts dating Anna, she's able to keep him in line.

Sven- Kristoff's weird best buddy. He's very similar to Kristoff, except he has no girl. He didn't even know phones existed until he stole Olaf's and started posting pictures of him that were embarrassing. He's always competing with Kristoff for the role of class clown.

Iduna- Helpless romantic. She loves Agnarr, but Runeard always pushes her away. She's trying to hang out with the popular kids, but doesn't know if they like her or not. She's always on Instagram, her eyes glued to her not-so-new phone when she can't think of anything to say.

Agnarr- Annoying rich kid. He has everything, the newest iPhone, most expensive sports car, a huge mansion, and designer clothes... but does he really have the family he needs? His dad, Runeard, has abused him ever since he was born, and Rita divorced her husband and tried to gain custody over her son only to die in a car crash.

Olaf- Everyone's favorite teacher. He's funny and makes easy-to-understand lectures. But, even more important than this, he cares about his students a lot and is always ready to help them with whatever personal problems they have.

Runeard- Overlord of the school. Most well payed in comparison to the smaller paycheck all the teachers get. He's super rich. He always makes sure students are behaving, as well as pretending to be a perfect dad. But, really, he isn't all that great of a guy, and is willing to do anything to make Agnarr's life hell.

I will add more characters, I will introduce them in the beginning of the chapters. Also, Sven and Olaf are human in this fic. Also also, be sure to follow my account for more!

P.S.- I will try to update every weekend.

P.S.S.- Before you go pls add this to your library, and vote!!! Have a great day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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