
Comenzar desde el principio

"I can't believe we actually got Professor Kang! The worst professor in all of Seoul," groaned Jin, slumping into a seat. Tzuyu shook her head, "At least we're all in a class together. Sit up straight, Jin!" Jin sighed, and sat up straight. Jieun nodded, "That's right. We're lucky we're all in a class together. Last year we had only two classes, this year we have almost all together!" 

Jin nodded, "I guess so. Lots of students have wacky schedules." He scanned the room, before slumping again. "What is it?" Jieun asked. Jin groaned, "Guess who's in this class..." "Uh, who?" Jieun looked around. "It's some people in the most popular clique," Jin spoke, voice muffled. 

"Ohhh," Tzuyu and Jieun spoke together. Tzuyu spotted kingka Jungkook, Ji-Soo and Eunwoo. "They're right there. I don't get what everyone sees in them," she said. Ji-Soo was holding onto Eunwoo's arm, who was wearing a fake smile. 

"Eunwoo and Jungkook are so handsome! And Eunwoo is so nice and kind!" A classmate interrupted, glaring at Tzuyu. "A girl like you would agree with me. How come you don't?" The classmate stared at Tzuyu and Jieun up and down.

"He seems a bit... fake to me," Tzuyu responded, shrugging. She turned to Jieun. "You can't ever fall for guys like that. They'll play with your heart and throw you away!" Jieun sighed, "I'm not interested in those kinds of things."

Jin rolled his eyes, "What're you interested in anyways? Studying?" Jieun grinned, "Exactly!" The three of them laughed. "Hey... There goes Joy. None of her friends are in this class," Jieun whispered. "I feel bad for her. Park Chanyeol is the worst guy," Tzuyu spoke sympathetically. Jin was quiet.

Jieun shook her head, "I think Jungkook is. He seems so smug and so prideful." Jin elbowed her, "Not too loud. You don't know where his prowling fangirls are!" She nodded, "Right."

"Alright! Students!" We all shut up, and faced the professor. He was old, with rectangular glasses and wrinkles. "Now, listen up! We will go over expectations, and the syllabus I have prepared. Eyes on me, not on your peers!"

Jin sighed immediately. "I don't like him."

.     .      .

"Alright, dismissed."

Jin got up immediately and started packing up and Jieun laughed. "You're that eager to go?" He nodded. Tzuyu smiled, "Wait up!" She chased after him and Jieun followed. 

Once they were out in the hallway, Jieun spoke. "I don't like him very much either. You're not alone on this, Jin." Jin nodded, "Good to know." Tzuyu spoke, "I think he's fine." "You're weird then," Jin responded, before sticking out his tongue. Tzuyu hit him softly, "You're the one who's weird!" 

Tzuyu bumped into somebody. "Sorry!" She said, I walked up by her side, and helped her pick up the items she dropped. "Are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded. The person she had bumped into turned. It was...

Jeon Jungkook. Great.

"Sorry? Is that it?" He spoke, his voice chill and deathly. Tzuyu nodded.

"Then get out of my sight and lose it," he snapped. Tzuyu widened her eyes, and tried to leave.

She tripped on Cha Eunwoo's leg. "Oh! I'm sorry!" He held out a hand to pick her up. She didn't take it.

I wanted to rush towards her, but Jungkook made me stop. His eyes. They were...


I turned away.

"Look, Eunwoo is such a gentleman!"

But he had tripped Tzuyu on purpose. It wasn't an accident.

Cha Eunwoo was still bothering Tzuyu. "Take my hand." "No thanks," she repeated, trying to pick up her papers, which he had stepped on. He put Tzuyu's hair behind her ear. "It's getting in the way of your pretty face," he said. Tzuyu was obviously disturbed and NOT interested. "I don't care, so fuck off," she responded. 'Go Tzuyu!' I said in my mind.

"Very well," Cha Eunwoo responded, I rushed towards Tzuyu. She stood up.

"Let's go, Eunwoo! Can you get me some coffee? Don't be bothered by that girl, Tzuyu is creepy!" Ji-Soo took Eunwoo's arm, he was staring at both of us now. 

Tzuyu turned to leave, and I turned to follow her. 

But at that moment, I looked into Jeon Jungkook's eyes. 

He had eyes of a predator. Sneaky. Malicious. Fake. Two-sided.

Anyone can see it if they looked hard enough. 

I shivered and held Tzuyu's hand. I squeezed it tightly.

"Let's stay away from them."

And so our story begins! Episode 1 is over! Everyday I will do a poll to decide who end up with who! Anyone can end up with anyone. You can change your vote anytime, any episode. You can vote up to Episode 10, where things get serious. Here are the choices (No, there is no Lizkook. I have plans for Lisa later):

Jieun x Jungkook                  Jieun x Chanyeol

Jieun x Eunwoo                      Jieun x Luhan (Side Character)

Jieun x Sehun (Side Character) Jieun x Jin

Tzuyu x Jungkook                 Tzuyu x Chanyeol

Tzuyu x Eunwoo                     Tzuyu x Luhan (Side Character)

Tzuyu x Jin                                 Tzuyu x Sehun (Side Character)

Surprise me!


Happy Reading and Happy 2020!

Also, just because there is only Tzuyu x Jin and Jieun x Jin does not mean that Jin can end up with other characters. I personally have a card under my sleeve.


𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥first sight||jjk x ljeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora