Lou let a smirk cross his face as he stood up. His full height was intimidating this close. "No. I refuse." He mimicked, his arms went across his chest.

I hated this. Being up against him without a counter to separate us. His black eyes held mine with confidence and a sense of smugness. "Lou, I am not serving you tonight."

"That's a shame." He smiled and revealed a hint of teeth. My stomach curled. "It just means I'll have to find some other way to entertain myself."

As if reading my moves, Lou took a step towards me right as I took one back. I felt my heart still in my chest. No. No, this is not happening. I can't move my body again.

My breath hitched as Lou placed his hand on my waist. Chills ran down my body at the point of contact as he turned me around till my back bumped against the counter. "Maybe closing up the bar early today wasn't such a bad idea now, was it?"

"Lou..." I whispered softly as his lips curled up into a smirk. "I don't sleep with..."

"Customers. I know." He leaned in, my heart lost the rest of it's composure at his proximity. "Tonight, over here, I'm not a customer. And you're not just a bartender." One hand rose to trail down the side of my face, his eyes flickered to o my lips. "Besides, I know you want me. You try to hide it, but I see... everything."

His whisper brushed against my lips and I felt my body react. He wasn't wrong. I was very attracted to him. Tall, dark, handsome- exactly what every woman wants. But I... I can't sleep... I should-

"Don't fight it." He pressed his finger against my lower lip, releasing it from my teeth. "Let go, Ryleigh. I-"

"So, there you are."

My eyes widened in surprise once more as Lou's lips turned down into a sneer. He turned his head to side, to reveal a partial view of Mike. He was right behind Lou with his arms across his chest.

"Why are you here?" Lou growled. I could see his pupils start to expand this close.

"Following you. You vanished after we left the bar." Mike's eyes flickered to me. "And it seems like I'm interrupting."

"Yes. You are." Lou's hand tightened on my waist. "Leave."

"No. I'm not leaving you alone with Ryleigh." Mike met my eyes once more and held them for a few moments. A wave of warmth passed through me and I felt my body's control return.

I inhaled sharply, placed my hands against Lou's chest and slipping under the hand he still had raised to my face. I took a step to the side and stumbled over the stool's leg. But I'd managed to get away from him. "For fuck's sake, you two!" My heart could beated out of my chest, my face felt hot and red. "Stop this! Stop playing with me like this! Lou and all you fucking angels! I don't want to sleep with any of you!"

Mike raised an eyebrow. "You're welcome. And I'm not interested in bedding you either."

Lou scoffed as he shifted to lean against the counter. "Are you trying to say that Ryleigh isn't hot?"

"She's fairly attractive for a human." Mike drawled as he turned away from me and walked over to the kitchen stools. "But no. I'm not interested in engaging sexual relations with a human."

Lou snickered. "Virgin."

Mike's shoulders tensed at that simple remark. "I am, however, not inexperienced in it."

"That's what a virgin would say." Lou let his head fall back so he could meet Mike's eyes. "Virgin."

"Nothing wrong with being one." He shrugged.

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