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The new Gotham subsidiary was thriving, and the white-hot spotlight on L-Corp eventually fizzled out over the course of the month. However, repercussions from the media did not deter Lena's deal with the pentagon. The buildings at the dockland were almost twice the size of L-Corp and Lena was able to house her weapons research facility in one of the more dilapidated, unsuspecting buildings Wayne enterprises had gifted to her.

Lena and Kara's relationship became ever more strained by the day, while Lena grew closer to Emily. Kara stopped visiting about a week ago, yet Lena had not taken the time to notice, too wrapped up in her new life in Gotham.

"Hey Luthor, do you want to grab a drink tonight?" Emily's offer echoed through the vast laboratory, where Lena was hunched over her latest project

Lena startled slightly at the abrupt declaration, having not heard Emily enter the building.

"Hey yourself, you nearly made me knock over your precious processor" Lena smirked as she stood up from her stooped position

"You spend far too much time in here Luthor" Emily mused as she brushed her fingers along a near by counter top

"And if I didn't you wouldn't have what you want, correction, your boss wouldn't have what he wants, and we all need to keep the boss happy now don't we" Lena said sarcastically as she made her way towards Emily

"Hmm" Emily agreed silently "So, about that drink" she changed the direction of the conversation

Lena checked her watch and then her phone, noticing a missed call and text from Kara.

"Uh, you know what you're right, I've spent long enough in here, I think I'm gonna call it a night" Lena smiled apologetically as she began shutting down the operating machines, she had surrounded herself with.

"Sure, yeah, get some rest" Emily replied absently, nodding her head, looking a bit dejected

"Rain check?" Lena consolidated

"For sure" Emily forced a smile

"Goodnight Emily" Lena said softly as she brushed past Emily, trying to leave the awkwardness of the situation as quickly as possible

"Goodnight Lena" Emily replied as she followed slowly behind her

As much as Lena wanted to spend time with Emily, every time she did, she was hit with an incredible wave of guilt, knowing that Kara was waiting, loyally, back in National City. Lena felt so torn, yet hoping that somehow, she could have the best of both worlds. A life in National City and a life in Gotham. But she knew she was a fool for ever thinking that might be possible.

Instead of following after Emily, Lena decided to go home and try reach Kara. She sank into her sofa and dialled the ever-familiar number, only to be met with Kara's voicemail.

"Hey Kara, uhm, sorry I missed your call, I've been crazy busy in the lab, trying to be hands on with the new research, you know me" Lena gave a miserable breathy laugh before bringing herself back on track "anyway, whenever you get this, just.. just call me. I miss you" she finished in a distant whisper before hanging up

This is why Lena always stayed until the early hours of the morning in her lab, to avoid the inevitable silence of an empty apartment. It was cold and emotionless, devoid of light without the bubbly blonde by her side.

She decided to give in to the bottle of bourbon tempting her from the shelf near her sofa. She poured herself a generous glass and settled back into her spot, turning on the tv to fill the room with some sort of mindless noise while she stared distantly at the golden liquid that sloshed around in the glass in her hand.

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