New Beginnings

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"Good morning Ms Nelson, to what do I owe the fine pleasure of you barging in to my office at 9am?" Bruce sighed sarcastically as he watched Emily bustle into his office in a fluster before she planted herself down on one of the chairs in front of him

"Don't 'good morning Ms Nelson' me Bruce. Haven't you seen the news last night?" Emily's voice was higher pitched than usual and laced with concern as she fidgeted under the confused gaze of Bruce Wayne.

"What's going on Emily?" he gruffed as he pinched the bridge of his nose

"LCorp is going to shit because of some leaked article about them signing a weaponry deal with the pentagon" Emily stated, starting to panic slightly as she voiced her concerns out loud

"What?" Bruce was more alert now as the news began to sink in "Is it true?"

Emily sat there for a moment. Weighing out her options of telling Bruce the truth. She hadn't told him about her impromptu trip to National City yesterday, after all, the meeting with the PR and marketing teams at LCorp was purely set up so that Emily could use it as an excuse to see Lena again.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times as she struggled to string a sentence together that would keep Bruce from inquiring any further.

"How should I know?" was all she could answer with

"Well, you are friends with Lena Luthor, aren't you?" he asked

"Well, yeah I guess so. But that's not the point" she tried to deter him "the point is, we need to do something, or our deal is going to crumble." Emily pointed out

"I'm not sure we're in the position to do anything here Emily, we just have to hope that this just blows over in the media and LCorp continues with business as usual" Bruce admitted, frustrated that that was the only answer he could give her

"No Bruce, I'm not going to accept, that sitting here twiddling our thumbs is an acceptable answer while three quarters of a billion dollars goes down the drain because it's a fucking slow news day and reporters answer to anonymous trolls now" Emily was fuming

"Then what do you suggest we do Emily because I'm at a loss here" Bruce sighed as he sat back in his long black, leather office chair

Emily hadn't thought quite that far yet and she too was at a loss for ideas on how they could fix this. Then, as if out of nowhere, a thought occurred to her and she jumped at the possibility of it.

"What if" she began excitedly as she tried to regain Bruce's attention, "What if we convince Len- Ms Luthor," she caught herself before she could show Bruce just how friendly she was with Lena, "to move LCorp to Gotham" Emily beamed

"That's insane Emily and you know it. It took billions just to move it from Metropolis to National City when Lex was imprisoned, there's no way she's going to even consider that option" Bruce shut the idea down with finality

"Well not the entire company then but even just a subsidiary of the company, and it's sole focus being the new quantum microprocessors. Then Ms Luthor can move to Gotham for a bit until the heat from the media cools off in National City and she'll still have the profits from this deal to keep the rest of the company afloat. Pentagon deal or no pentagon deal, the people of Gotham city won't protest the opportunity for new jobs, because heaven knows we need them, and this city has seen far worse than a few weaponry deals." Emily pitched

"I think you're on to something Ms Nelson, maybe it'd be a good idea to talk this through with Ms Luthor and see what her thoughts are. This could certainly work out in our favour. Nice work Emily" Bruce nodded at the thought of this pitched idea and seemed happily content with pursuing it

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