I held my face in my hands, trying to forget all that had just happened.

Maybe I was a little bit too harsh with him, maybe all he's saying is actually true, maybe he really doesn't want me to make a horrible mistake by sleeping with my bestfriend.

All he said could be true and I could choose to believe him and fall for his trap but I'm not going to. I'm not going to fall victim for him. I'm stronger than that, I'm better than that.

He was right about one thing though I am drunk and drunk people do things they are not aware of and I might as well regret whatever happened between Devin and I just before Jasper came bursting through the door.

I just hope I don't remember all that happened and neither does Devin because if either of us do, things are going to take a huge turn, Devin and I's friendship is going to be ruined forever.

There's no way that things are going to remain the way they once were if either of us remembers. I cherish our friendship more than anything and I'd be broken if it just ends like that.

I know I used him just to forget about Jasper and that pains me, I hope he never finds that out too, otherwise I'd be totally screwed.

My mind kept going haywire until I slowly and gradually drifted off to darkness.


I wake up to a sharp pain on my neck, and when I sat up properly I realized I actually slept off on the floor by my door. My head hurts badly and mixed together with my neck is the worst feeling ever.

I suddenly feel the urge to puke as the contents of my stomach decided it was time to resurface.

I stood up as quickly as possible and I made it to my bathroom, freeing my stomach of its contents and down into my toilet. I flushed and leaned on my sink.

I turned on the tap, letting it flow for a few seconds before throwing water into my mouth to rid it off the remnants of my vomit. Done with that I splashed water on my face and looked up at the mirror.

My face and hair is a mess. I have mascara running down my cheeks and my lip stick is smudged badly. My hair is in a tangled mess, sticking up all over the place.

I lookee down to what I'm wearing and just like a heavy breeze the events of last night came rushing back.

The party, the phone call with Devin, Jasper and Kaitlyn barging into the room, Jasper smashing a lamp on the wall and telling Kaitlyn to get out, me going outside for air, Devin finding me outside and me going back inside. The drinking, the dancing, me excusing myself to the bathroom, Devin coming to find me and us kissing outside the bathroom. Us going upstairs and in a heated make out session. Jasper barging into the room and stopping us from a very bad decision. Him dragging me home, the quarell and finally me sleeping on the floor.

The taught of it all made me rush to open the toilet lid once again and pushing out all that's left in my stomach.

Last night was horrible and thinking all about it is making me want to disappear from the face of the Earth, forever.

I can't believe I got drunk enough to kiss Devin and let alone makeout with him. If Jasper hadn't stopped us, only God knows what would have happened.

I would have lost my virginity to my best friend, that would have been the most horrifying thing to happen. Our friendship would have surely gone down the drain, forever.

It wouldn't have been a funny tale to tell. I owe Jasper a thank you and an apology. I messed up real bad last night and I'm just so lucky that he was there to redeem me. And even with what he did I still gave him an attitude, I yelled at him for stopping us and controlling me, I yelled at him for what happened with Kaitlyn and not believing him.

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