Any Time At All

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This was a request from Happieness2001 ! Hope you like it! :)


It was an honest mistake. Time seemed to slip right from their grasps as the tour went on, he hardly remembered how his days let alone to remember to do specific things.

Brian had told him over and over again to get the flu jab, prevent it before it could get the chance to get into his system. He meant to, he really did! But he also wasn't great with remembering to make appointments, and he had better things to do than to sit in a drab old clinic to get the jab.

Roger regretted his entire life up to his current state of being.

He woke up at four am, shivering as if he'd just stepped off into the arctic and the room didn't feel to far off from it despite the heavy duvet currently covering him and the hot body next to him.

As he became more conscious, the body aches became more apparent. The dull aches spread throughout his body as he let out a low groan. It wasn't long before the aches turned to nausea and he was soon crawling out of bed and rushing to the toilet. His stomach churned as he fell to his knees in front of the porcelain bowl, his hands shaking as he threw the lid open and emptied last nights dinner into the toilet.

Any feeble attempts at not waking Brian had failed as he wretched loudly into the toilet, soon feeling a soothing hand rubbing his back.

"If you're gonna say 'I told you so', please save it until the morning." Roger groaned, leaning his forehead against the cool porcelain. It felt amazing against his feverish skin. The good feeling faded as another wave of nausea hit him. Of course he'd get nausea as a symptom too, just his luck.

"I didn't say that." Brian sighed, standing up and rummage through the medicine cabinet. Soon enough he pulled out the thermometer and sat patiently as Roger blew his nose and wiped his mouth.

"Thinkin' it." He mumbled, wiping his eyes before facing his boyfriend. "I don't feel good."

"I wasn't," Brian's sighed, cupping the miserable mans face with a sympathetic frown. "I know, Rog. Let's get your temperature, then we can brush your teeth and I'll draw you a bath." Brian pushed the blond strands out of his face with a sympathetic smile.

Roger nodded, opening his mouth as Brian slipped the glass pipe under his tongue. He watched the the mercury slowly rose up to nearly 40°C (104°F). Roger watched as Brian frowned softly at him.

"My poor baby." He cooed, pulling him against his chest as Roger shivered. He shakily squeezed toothpaste onto his toothbrush, looking up at Brian with groggy eyes.

"I really don't feel good, Bri..." His voice came out a choked whine. He hadn't felt this bad in ages.

"I know, love, I know." Brian sighed, kissing his hot forehead before standing up and turning the bath tap on. He set the water to lukewarm to cool his fever before plugging the drain and grabbing one of their fluffiest towels (and Rogers favorite towel, at that). He knew the blond would need it, hoping that he'd forgive him for the cool bath he was about to endure.

Roger slowly stripped down after finishing brushing his teeth, letting his pajamas fall to the ground before stepping into the bath. Brian expected cursing, screaming, basically any form of an angry reaction at the temperature of the water.

It nearly shattered his heart when all that came was a whimper.

He watched helplessly as the blond submerged himself fully, shivering with glassy eyes. He was pale besides the slight rosiness of his cheeks due to the fever. Roger gripped his hand, resting his cheek on it as his body shook. He was miserable, nothing that Brian did really mattered, anyone could see. The blue of his eyes seemed duller, yet the tears that were slowly rising made them shine.

"I'm sorry, baby. We've just got to get that temperature down." Brian said, pushing his damp hair out of his face as Roger nodded pathetically.

"Bri, 'm sorry..." Roger mumbled, leaning out of the bath and pressing himself against the taller man to the best of his ability. Brian didn't mind that he had soaked his entire shirt.

"It's okay, Rog. Just sit down, okay?" He guided the blond down and massaged he scalp until the water turned ice cold.

Brian then grabbed one to the bath towels, a larger one that Roger had impulse bought as it was 'the softest fucking thing he'd ever felt'. Brian had thought it was ridiculously priced for a plain towel, and he though it was even more ridiculous when the blond had Freddie stitch a picture of his car into it.

Despite it all, it was still Rogers favorite towel. Brian helped the sick man up and wrapped his shivering body in the towel and holding him close to him before leading him back to the bedroom.

Brian grabbed out new pajamas for his boyfriend, setting the set on the bed as Roger shakily dried himself off. Brian took the towel from him gently, drying the rest of his body before helping him dress the rest of the way.

Once dressed, Brian gave him a bit of cold and flu medicine and tucked the blond into bed with a kiss on his too-hot forehead before making his way downstairs to make some tea to sooth his throat and stomach.

By the time his tea was made and brought up to him, however; Brian found the blond to be curled up in a ball, fast asleep.

He couldn't help but smile at the peaceful sight, all the misery gone from his boyfriends face leaving a soft and innocent rosy-cheeked face with his lips pouted out. It would be impossible to not smile at a sight like that.

Carefully, he climbed into bed and shut off their side table lamp before laying back and closing his eyes.

"Thank you for taking care o' me..." Roger sleep slurred voice filled the quiet bedroom, the soft tone causing another smile to pull that the guitarists lips.

"Anytime at all."

And he meant it, even when he woke up a few days later with the same damn flu.



My classes start in three days and I already want to throw myself in front of a train

I actually had the flu a couple weeks ago and lemme tell you, I thought I was dying...


That ALSO being said, I'm a dumbass and completely forgot to get mine

Anyway, hope you all liked it! Lemme know if you have any requests :)

Peace ✌🏻

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