The Wedding Singer

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Linen and lace covered the reception hall, too many people crowding the once quaint and quiet place. At least three hundred people in attendance, but what else could be expected from the wedding of non other than Freddie Mercury.

Brian, the quiet introvert he was, simply wanted nothing more than to fade out of existence. A bit hard to do when you're the best man for one of the grooms.

Jim was a great groom, though. His bachelor party was small, but still fun. They ended up just going to the pub for a few rounds before going back to his and Freddie's flat to watch Star Wars.

Freddie's was a drag event.

Brian was conveniently out of town for that party, helping his mother and father with their spring cleaning. Freddie claims that it was the best night of his life (excluding every night with his darling husband) since his best man actually showed up in drag and ended up on stage, then bringing Freddie up along with him.

Brian shook his head at the thought. He had yet to see who this bloke was besides a small glimpse at the actual ceremony, though Freddie had all his groomsmen in vails for whatever reason. Forever the diva, he probably didn't want anyone to outshine him. That was practically impossible since his white suit was covered in golden glitter. He did have his groomsmen in white tuxes, though, as a way to saying "fuck you" to tradition in a very Freddie way. He found himself being brought out of his thoughts by a raspy voice behind him.

"I've never seen anyone look so miserable at a wedding."

Brian quickly turned around to see a shorter man smirking at him. He couldn't help but blush at how the smaller man stared him down.

"N-No, I'm alright. Just, uh, looking for Freddie." He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away from the blonds smirking face.

"Oh, he's off with Jim in the closet over there. I'm meant to be lookout, but I've sent the cameras to go catch them." He snickered putting his hand out to which Brian accepted in a firm handshake. "Roger Taylor, best man and wedding singer tonight. You must be poodle?"

"Brian May." He corrected with a slight eye roll.

"Not with that hair." He joked, looking over his shoulder at the rest of the wedding band waving him over. "I've got to go. Look more alive, Bri, it's a party." He winked before rushing off to the stage.

Call him crazy, but in that second he fell in love with that man.

Brian shook his head, wandering off to find someone to talk to. It didn't take long to find John, though it wasn't what he expected as the man was drinker than ever. It was to be expected since he had just had a baby a month or so prior and it was his and Ronnies first night out as parents.

" great." John slurred, throwing an arm around Brian and swaying him in a bit of a dance. "Isn't if, Brian? So, so great."

"Yes, very great." He chuckled, steadying the man. "Having fun?"

"So much!" Ronnie giggles, steadying herself on the table. "Freddie made sure to have an open bar. An absolute genius!"

"Yes! To Freddie!" John grabbed his glass from the table, nearly dropping it, and raised his glass up just as his wife copied his actions.

"And James!"

"Jim, dear." John corrected, laughing.


The tallest laughed to himself as he heard the band start playing. Brian hardly felt guilty passing the man off to his equally intoxicated wife as the two broke away to tear up the dance floor. He grinned when he saw the cameraman follow them to catch the moment, his grin only widening when he saw it was the blond who tipped them off.

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