The Kiss

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//back at it again with those shite stories Levi?? Yes yes, I am and you love it!!//

Your POV

The kiss shocked you so badly you began to pull back but Amanda just moved with you. Eventually you realized what was happening and kissed back slowly. You matched her kiss with your own.

Your lips danced across each other for a while. You could hear Liz fangirling on the background until you started to laugh at it and had to pull back.

You laughed as Amanda pressed her forehead against you with a happy smile.

"I can't believe your here-" she whispers as you laugh looking at her.

"Surprise love~!" You say as you pull yourself up to kiss her cheek.
She smiled and it made your heart flutter with wild butterflies.

Amanda looked up to see Liz dying on the floor. She was just so happy that it had finally happened and she had been there to see the epic kiss between the two.

"You!! How rude! You didn't tell me!!" Amanda accused loudly.

Liz stopped dying to look up at you two.
"It would have ruined the surprise Amanda! It's better this way anyway!!"  She pulled herself up as Amanda looked to you with a heartbreaking smile.

"Hi~" you whispered, you didn't know what else to say right now. You were just so happy you were able to see her. And let it be said that kiss wasn't the worst welcome you could have gotten.

"God I can't believe you here! Did you take off from work for this??" Amanda asked still holding you. You weighed almost nothing so it didn't phase her much.

You giggle softly.
"No duh I took off from work for this it's your birthday after all~"

"This is so much better than a call. Your gonna spoil me. It'll be torture when you leave me-" she began to whine.

You placed a hand on her lips stopping her.
"Don't think of that just enjoy the time we have together and when it comes to that well deal with it alright?"

Amanda nodded and began to carry you up the stairs.
"I can walk you know?" You began as you tried to get down.

Amanda holds you tighter but as you give her a look she puts you down.
Liz just laughs as Amanda Walks back into the apartment.
You wait for Liz and link hands with the girl who was just about your height maybe an inch taller.
Liz smiled walking back into the apartment.
When you enter Amanda locks the door behind you.

You looked around and are surprised to see how clean the whole thing was. Nothing seemed out of place but you could tell the place was well used.

Liz leads you towards the living room where she sits down and Pats the seat next to her on it. You smile as you plopped down.
Amanda Walks in with a blanket and a new bowl of popcorn.

"Movie time ~!" She says with flare.

Amanda sits down next to you and covers you with the blanket.
The words Liz had spoken to you days ago comes into your head and you blush as Amanda's hands Liz the bowl of popcorn.
There was virtually no reason to blush till you thought of the kiss and buried your face into your hands as quickly as Amanda could turn around to sit down.

''whoa, what?!  'Y/N'! What's wrong?!" Amanda places you under her arm while Liz notices your red ears.
"She's fine just embarrassed is all-" she explains softly gently patting your thigh.

"About wh- oh the kiss?!? If you didn't want it-" Amanda started to apologize  when you jumped up and grabbed her
"No! Please don't stop doing that !?" You cried out softly.
Amanda smiled with a mischievous glow in her eyes. She leaned down to be inches away from your face.
You yelped at the sudden closeness but didn't pull back.
Amanda slowly pulled you into her lap as you gently wrapped your arms around her neck.
She smiled as she repositioned you to face of TV.
"There....that's better" she said as she turned on the TV as she wraps her arms around your waist.

Dear lord you were so flustered. Eventually you leaned back into her arms but you could never relax for a second.


-Le time skip a few hours-

The sun had been up for a good hour and both of your companions were fast asleep. You smiled as you stood carefully and covered Amanda with the blanket that had been on your lap a moment before.

You stifled a yawn as you stretched. You reached for your phone from your jeans. It had been on vibrate for the past few hours.
You unlocked it to find about a million messages from your Tiktock and Instagram.
You sighed as you walked to the kitchen to sit down without disturbing the sleeping women in the living room.

You scrolled threw your dms and finally decided to answer a few that you deemed worthy of your attention. I mean you couldn't answer every fan that tagged you In something ya know.

You found one that interested you quite a bit. It was a cosplayer naturally.
It was a new rendition of an original character you had done years ago. Maybe when ticktock was still actually.
You smiled and clicked on the picture. They had made the character look amazing, as far as you could tell they put a lot of work into it. You felt a tinge of pride that you had fans that dated back to 2005. You decided to text back with a good response.

"Hey I just saw what you just sent. It's so amazing, I have never seen my character look so good. He's a very old one so I don't use him anymore but feel free to use him if you wish-"

You Placed your phone on the counter as you leaned back in your chair. You were beginning to feel sleepy but didn't Know if you were welcome to sleep anywhere as the couch was taken by your friends.

You sighed and rested your head on the counter and swiftly fell asleep.


Amanda's POV

I stretched and yawns as i opens her eyes. I honestly forget what day it was when I suddenly remember the night before.
She wasn't there now however. I remembered falling asleep with her in my arms though.
I began to worry once more when I get up leaving a sleeping Liz on the couch.
I walked threw the house when I came across her sleeping on the counter.
I sigh as I gently pick her up and carry her to my bedroom.
She hummed in her sleep as she nuzzled into my chest as I walked. I blushed with my smile taking over my lips.
"Your too damn cute for your own good know that? Think you might actually kill me with it one day" I whisper to her sleeping form.
I gently lay 'Y/N' down on my bed, covering her a blanket.
Looking at the time I noticed it was about 12 now. Geez we'd slept late last night and I had no clue when 'Y/N' finally fell asleep.
For all,, I know she could have just fallen asleep.
I walked towards the closet and grabbed a new set of clothes to change into and walked to the bathroom for a shower.

As I started the shower I began to think a bit.
My mind drifted to when 'Y/N' had jumped into my arms. I'd been so happy to finally hold her. Like damn, she's so fucking perfect and I can't believe she's finally here.
I blushed as I remembered how soft her lips were. She always took incredible care of herself. She never skimped on anything. Never half-assed anything and I learned first hand that when she said anything she meant anything. Even kissing.
I reached a hand to touch my lips as I think of how we kissed. I knew it shouldn't have meant anything but I had to me.

I had started liking 'Y/N' about a month after her cheating ex finally moved out of her house. It took me about 3 months of talking to her to know that I wanted to be with her. The only thing was she was still always talking about that fucking ex of hers. Hell he fucking messed her up...cheated on her so many damn times I don't even think she knows what trust is anymore.

It broke my heart to know a person as good and pure as 'Y/N' was that broken by a nobody who didn't deserve any of her attention let alone her love.

I shake my head as I undress and climb into the warm shower.

I couldn't wait for her to wake up there are so many things I wanna do with her and maybe I'll be able to tell her how I really feel about her?

Who knows really...I just hope if she says no I'll still be a close friend with her....that scared me more than lose her...

Akrcos-Amanda x ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat