Chapter 1

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WARNING: if you don't like drugs or violence then this isn't the book for you.



"Do you need help Brenda?" I asked the old lady who was struggling to make it to her car with her groceries.

"Oh yes sweetie, if you don't mind" She answers in a tired voice.

"I don't, were not too far" I said looking at her vehicle across the parking lot.

After I got Brenda to her car and loaded her groceries up for her, I went inside the store and got everything I need.

On the drive back home I lightly hummed to the music on the radio. Finding myself lost in the lyrics I noticed where I was. I missed my turn to the house and I had to be to work in about 10 minutes. So instead of turning around I just went to work. I don't like milk so I don't have any of that and everything else can wait to be refrigerated. 

Walking into work I grabbed my apron and walked to the back of the building to clock in.

"Hey Lorelei, how was your day" Jack is someone who has worked here with me for about a year now. He has always been a really nice guy. Dark blonde hair with baby blue eyes.

I flashed him a bright smile "It was good, yours?"

"Amazing so far" he said then he smiles and turns around "I gotta get back to a table, bye"

I just lifted my hand up at him then I started towards the front of the restaurant and began taking orders all night...and morning.


After my shift was over it was about 3 am. So I clocked out, turned my apron in and walked out into the dark of the morning. I love the air at this time. If the winds blowing its only enough to blow your hair behind your shoulders. The sky has little billions of stars that cause a little twinkle to anyones eyes, wether they sad or happy the twinkles gonna be there when they look up. As I'm enjoying my self I start to hum a song about this moment. Then I find a bench and pull out my notebook from my bag and start to put a few lyrics together just so that I can keep them for later.

Nobody by my side as I walk in the dark of night

Will it be okay? Will it be alright?

I can feel my heart start to glide

I look up as I feel everything from today

A smile creeps upon my face


I can handle things in the day

but sometimes at night things don't feel the same

Its easier for me to stay

When I know that I can look at the stars

Close my eyes and feel  ...

My mind goes blank as I hear growling somewhere behind me. I quickly spin around with wide eyes. Dinosaurs are real and they have found me first.

I see two men fighting in the alleyway. What a disappointment. I get up and walk toward them to  see if I could stop them or maybe they need help.

"Are you guys okay?" I yell and maybe I shouldn't have because it sounded a lot louder when it echoed back to me. They both stopped what they were doing and looked up at me. One pulls a knife out and takes a slow step toward me. The other stays where he is just looking at me with a questionable face. Both reacted to me very quickly.

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