Chapter 3

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It has been 3 weeks since the mantis attacked and Persina and her mates were still not over it and rightfully so. Persina wasn't eating much and mostly slept in, while Gallow and Raspgul either guarded her or went out to hunt. Right now it was Gallow who was watching over her and comforting her by licking her neck. "My Queen, please get up, I don't like this state you're in and you're skinnier than usual. Please at least have a drink of water." Her council member begged as he pulled a basin of water towards her. Persina let out a small huff as Gallow picked up the basin and put it to her lips, and to make Gallow feel better, she sipped a small amount of water. "Mistress, I brought you some food." Raspgul called out. Persina looked over to the spider to see him holding a large fish he caught from a nearby river. He brought it over to Persina and offered it up to her. Slowly she grabbed the fish from Raspgul and bit into its scaly flesh. Though she was sad, Persina knew she couldn't be like this forever. She ate the whole fish and then grabbed the basin of water to take a large swig of it. Gallow and Raspgul look down at her with relieved, smiling, faces.

"Thank you, Raspgul." Persina said as she wiped the blood off her mouth with her left upper arm. Slowly she got up from her silken bed and walked towards the entrance of her chamber. Following close behind her was Raspgul and Gallow, who were curious about what she was doing. As she got closer to the entrance of the 'hive' she began to speak. "We need to make more chambers in the hive and find more members." She had a stern look in her pitch eyes as she said this.

"Of course Mistress, but I don't see how. None of us are burrowers and all I can do is make the cave more comfortable." Raspgul explained.

"That's why we look for very certain breed to join us. Like the ants, for example." Persina countered as she crawled out of the now repaired entrance.

"But ants obsess over their Queens! I don't see how we could get one to join us." Gallow states as him and Raspgul follow after the young queen.

"Hmm. You're right." Persina pondered for a while, trying to figure out the best way to go about this. "Ah ha! Beetle!" Her wings twitched at the idea.

"Beetle?" Both Raspgul and Gallow said in unison.

"Yes a beetle! They are strong and don't have queens, so we don't have to worry about taking on multiple if things go south." She explains. Gallow and Raspgul looked at each other then to Persina and nodded.

"Perfect! Gallow, I want you to come with me. Raspgul, guard the nest." She orders. Raspgul nods and heads back into the silk hive as Persina and Gallow take off.

"So where are we going to find a beetle?" Gallow asks the young queen as he scans the ground for movement.

"Forest most likely." Persina says as she too is scanning the ground. They were flying for a half and hour when the finally spotted a forest. "Down Gallow." Persina orders as she dives down to the small forest. They lower themselves onto the ground and Persina turns to Gallow. "I want you to stay in the tree tops at all times unless either you or I am in danger. Got it?" The mosquito nods.

"Yes, but why, might I ask?" Gallow scratched at his sharp cheek.

"We don't want our potential member to feel threatened do we? Trust me." She stroked under his jaw as she looked up at him with pitch black eyes. He nodded and flew up to the tree tops where he looked down on her. With that Persina headed deeper into the forest with her servant following close behind. The walk was rather boring, but Persina was determined to get herself a beetle or at least breed with him, if he couldn't be swayed by her to join her little hive. SHSHSHSH. Persina heard the sound of leaves being pushed. She looked up to Gallow and signaled him to stay as she went to investigate. She got closer to the sound until it was almost deafening. She push back a branch and was met with the hard black shell of a large insect. "Excuse me?" She called out to it. It paused and turned to her as it chewed on some sprouts. A male beetle. Specifically a Rhinoceros beetle. Persina gave him a small grin as he looked down at her confused. He was covered in rough, black, chitin and was about a foot taller than Raspgul, which was impressive. What else was impressive was not only his bulk, but his large and strong looking pincers.

"Yeah? What do you want?" He asked. His voice was deep, almost grumbly. "Why is a wasp way out here anyway?"

"Long story. But I've been looking for someone like you." Persina cooed as she got closer causing the male to straighten up and move and inch or so away.

"Look lady, I don't know what your pulling, but it ain't happening. Please go away." He growled as he stood up, making himself even taller. Persina gave him a disappointed look.

"What a waste. You're a good specimen too." She sighs and her wings flutter.

"Why should you even care. Last time I checked, workers don't reproduce." He sneered as turned away to leave.

"I'm not a worker." She said calmly halting the large male. "I'm a Queen."

"I doubt that. Queens stay in their nests. Even I know that." The beetle turned back to the smaller female. Persina smirked. She could tell he was curious.

"Well, I don't run a average hive, darling." She approached the large male. Getting closer and closer. "My hive is very new, you see and I require muscle to help expand a bit." Persina was now close enough to touch the beetle. His gaze was curious, but also cautious.

"So, you want me to join in?" He figures out what Persina is trying to say.

"Yes. You could be useful. Think about it. It really won't take to long for my hive to grow once I start to lay eggs, and you, along with my other two counsel members, will be only second to me. I'll make sure you are well taken care of by my children and we can mate everyday." Persina persuaded the male as her hands roamed his lower body and thighs.

"And be your servant." He hisses as he stares down at her with blueish-grey eyes. Persina flies up to be face to face with him.

"A small price to pay." She says as she extends her hand. "What do you say?" Persina could see the lust and need dancing in his eyes. She grabbed him by his cheek and kissed the male. He quickly grabbed her and pinned her to a nearby tree. His bottom set of arms, had her long legs wrapped around his waist. He growled as he grinded into her. trying to get her to open up. "Before we start, I need a yes." She purred into his 'ear'.

"Fine." He hissed as he began to bite at her neck. Persina could feel his hot length grind into her, needing her warm body. She chuckled as she finally opened up for the male. He quickly thrusts into her causing the female wasp to cry out in pleasure.

"Wha-What's you're n-name?" She struggles to ask as he pounds into her.

"Sedi." He pants out as his thrusts become quicker and more shallow. Persina lets out a loud, high-pitched, moan as she cums. Sedi took her off the tree and placed her on the foliage that littered the ground, all while still thrusting. Persina turns her head slightly as Sedi nips at the crook of her neck. She sees Gallow watching them with a deep blush and panting. She could see him stroking his member as he watches his queen get ravished by the new male. Persina's back arches as she cums again. With a low groan Sedi finally finishes in the young Queen. His thrusts slowed as he rod out his orgasm. The male soon pulled out and sat down, twitching his wings. Persina tried to get up, but was to sore to do so.

"You okay? "Sedi asked the much smaller female only to be met with a groan.

"You really like it rough, don't you?" She sighs as she manages to prop herself up by her elbows.

"My Queen, are you okay?!" She heard Gallow call out to her. He rushed to her side and helped sit her up all the way.

"Thank you, Gallow. Meet Sedi, our new hive member." She said as she gestured to the behemoth. Gallow just glared up at him, and Sedi in return glared down. "Now one of you pick me up. I hurt everywhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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