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Nezumi's P.O.V.

   I waited in my room for 15 minutes until I started to hear yelling coming from downstairs. Since I'm locked in my room, I couldn't do any to stop the fight. So, I just listened to what was going on. I knew my father was yelling at someone but I didn't know who until I heard someone say Shion's name. This is not good, Shion needs to get out of here now before something happens. I then heard sirens coming from outside which caused more yelling.

  After a little while, I yelled, "Shion, get out of here now!!!" That was the moment when I heard a gunshot; my whole world froze at that moment when I heard that gunshot. Did dad really kill Shion?! I felt tears fall down my face as I backed away from the door; no...there's no way he could...would he? I sat myself on the bed as I began to cry; this was the first time that I actually ever cried over something. I would usually shut my emotions away inside of me but now, I was now worried about what happened.

    I ignored every noise that I can hear until I heard someone unlocking my door. I quickly stood up, thinking it was dad, and quickly dried my tears as I tried to remain calm. At that moment, the door quickly open to show Shion standing there with a worried look. She's alright, thank goodness; "...Shion," I said as I ran over to her and gave her a tight hug. Shion looked a bit startled but hugged me back after a little while.

    After the hug, Shion then said, after looking at my face, "Nezumi, you're bleeding." I was confused until I touched my face and noticed that I had a cut on my face. I must've got it when I was pushed into the desk or when dad started to kick me in the stomach. "Oh, it's no big deal, it'll heal," I said with a smiled and Shion started to get worried then asked/said, "are you sure? it looks pretty bad." To be honest, I don't really know anymore but I didn't want Shion or anyone else to worry about me.

    "Yeah, I'm pretty sure," I said and at that moment, I heard Inukashi asked, "whoa Nezumi, what the heck happened to you?!" I then noticed Inukashi, Rikiga, Erika, Emiko, Kaichi, and Hisaki standing there worried; that's when I noticed something that made me worried: where's Safu? "What happened to me isn't important," I said then asked/said, "where's Safu? I thought she was with you all?" At that moment, everyone looked a bit depressed or sad; that's when Shion said, "I think I should tell you what happened..."

Shion's P.O.V.

(Warning: this part of the chapter might get graphic)

     I ran down the sidewalk until I arrived in front of Nezumi's house; I need to know if he's okay. "Shion, don't go in there," I heard someone say; when I turned around, I saw Safu standing there with a concerned look on her face. "I have too Safu," I said, "Nezumi could be hurt." "Shion, if you go in there," Safu said, "there's a high chance something bad could happen to you." "What do you mean?" I asked then Safu asked, "Nezumi's father is at home, and you know that Nezumi's father is an alcoholic."

   That made my eyes widened when I heard those words; has his father hurt him? "Are you saying Nezumi is being abused?" I asked then Safu nodded before saying, "why else do we not hang out at Nezumi's house, he's worried that his father could hurt us." At that moment, I started to get a bit angry; Nezumi is willingly going to put his life on the line just to keep us safe. "Well, Nezumi shouldn't go through this pain anymore," I said angrily, "we need to help him."

    Without letting Safu say anything else, I walked up to the door to knock on it; but when I knocked on it, the door then opened. This caused me to get worried as I looked back at Safu who then ran up to me and said, "if you're going in, I'm coming with you." I was kinda happy that Safu was coming with me because I might need a friend to help me. When Safu and I entered the house, it looked a bit empty.

    "Nezumi? Are you here?" I asked a bit worried until I heard someone say, "you won't see him." I looked over to see an older man walking up to me; he had messy black long hair, was wearing a T-shirt, shorts, and white shoes and was holding a gun in his hand. "At least, he won't see you again," the man said with an evil grin; he must be Shion's father. "Shion, he does not sound drunk," Safu said worriedly, "he's dead serious."

    At that moment, Inukashi, Erika, Emiko, Kaichi, and Hisaki entered the house and saw Nezumi's father hold a gun. "Don't do it," Inukashi said worriedly then asked, "what do you think your son would think?!" "He'll thank me, for this will help him with his studies," Nezumi's father said evilly then I asked, "is killing us really going to change anything?!" "Oh no, I'm not killing all of you," Nezumi's father said then pointed the gun at me before continuing, saying, "just you." "You're sick," Erika said scared then Emiko said, "yeah, REAL sick."

   Then, we all heard sirens as we all saw Rikiga run in and yell, "Nezumi, I brought the-" He then saw Nezumi's father with a gun and said worried, "whoa, whoa, okay, sir, I know you just found about Shion but put the gun down." "My son really tried to save his little girlfriend," Nezumi's father said evilly, "well, it's not going to work."

   He looked like he was about to pull the trigger until I heard someone yell, "Shion, get out of here now!!!" It was Nezumi; as I turn to where I heard Nezumi yell, Safu then yelled, "look out!" At that moment, I was pushed out of the way and heard the gun shoot. When I looked back, I saw Safu on the ground and blood start to poor out.

   "Safu!!" I yelled as the others looked at her worried; at that moment, the police came in and saw Safu on the ground, as well as Nezumi's father holding the gun. They arrested him on the spot as I went to find Nezumi, who sounded like he was upstairs; I looked everywhere upstairs until I heard crying coming from one of the doors. I noticed that the door was locked and I didn't have the key to open it; so, I took out my hair pin and picked the lock until I was able to open it.

Nezumi's P.O.V.

    I couldn't believe Safu did that; she sacrifice her life to save Shion's. "Does anyone know where Safu is now?" I asked and Inukashi said, "she was just put in the ambulance right now." I was now really worried about her; Safu was one of the first people who ever talked to me and now her life could be in danger. I think Shion knew I was worried, so, she said, "we should run to the hospital, to see if she's okay."

    The others agreed and we all ran over to the hospital; when we got there, the doctors told us that Safu was going through surgery, at the moment. So, we couldn't see her; while we waited in the waiting room, I decided to call my mom and told her everything that happened. She was very worried on the phone and told me that she's going to be coming over as quickly as she could. The first person who arrived first was Safu's parents who were begging the doctors to see their daughter.

    I was pretty sure they hated me for what my father did; anyway, the second person who came over was Shion's mother who found out that Shion would've been killed if it wasn't for Safu. Shion's mother was also worried about me and was glad that I was okay. When my mom came, she pulled me into a tight hug and apologized so many times for what happened. I didn't want mom to get upset but I was more upset at my father for what he did. From what Shion's mother told me, my father was charged for attempted murder and will be trialed for it. Right now, I didn't care about my father; I was more worried for Safu, but the one who was the most worried at this moment, was Shion.


Do you believe even the worst person can change? (Modern AU, Nezumi x femShion)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora