New Kid

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Nezumi's P.O.V.

   My alarm was going off as I turned it off and got up from my bed. Today was my first day back to school or more of, my first day back to the worst months of my life. Since I'm the son of an alcoholic, everyone hates me at the school and calls me a freak. For 13 years I dealt with people bullying me and calling me a freak and I start to believe them.

   Anyway, I got of out bed, got into my normal clothes, put my hair in a pony tail, and went downstairs. I looked around to make sure my father wasn't around and luckily he wasn't home. I went into the kitchen to see mom cooking something on the stove. "Good morning Nezumi," mom said with a smile on her face, "I made some eggs this morning, I hope you like them."

    I knew the smile was fake because she has never smiled for as long as I remembered. Mom put the eggs on the table and I started to eat my breakfast; "today is your first day back to school," mom said then asked, "are you excited?" "Define the word excited," I said in a monotoned voice. "Nezumi, I'm sure you're going to make some new friends," mom said, "it's your junior year of school, I'm sure everyone is going to be nice."

  "I doubt that," I said and stood up after finishing breakfast. I walked to the front door, picked up my school bag that had all my school books in it, and walked out the door. I walked down the sidewalk, as the wind blown through my hair, all the way to the bus stop. As I stood there, people were looking at me and whispering to each other. Oh boy, this year is going to be worst than the last one.

    When the bus arrived, I got on and went to the back of the bus. As I walked to the back of the bus, balls of paper were being through at me and people were calling me names again. I sat at the way back and just looked out the window until we got to the school. I was the last one to come out and I was still getting stares from me; it only got worst as I entered the school. I walked to my locker and noticed a note on it. The note said something rude on it, so, I crumbled it up and threw it in the trash.

      At that moment, I heard someone ask, "hey Nezumi, how was your summer?" I turned around to see Inukashi and Safu standing there; they're the only people in this entire school who would want to speak to me; even though I'm rude to them, they're still my kinda friends. "Why would you care?" I asked and Inukashi said, "uh, because we want to." "Well, for your information," I said annoyed, "my summer was the same as always, horrible." "Chin up Nezumi," Safu said, "I'm sure it'll get better."

     While Inukashi is rude like me, Safu is more friendly and dealt with my rudeness. We talked to each other as we walked down the hall to homeroom. As soon as I entered our homeroom, the whole room went quiet and were now whispering. "Looks like it's going to be the same school years as always," I said and Safu said, "I'm sure it won't be that bad." "Trust me, it will," I said and walked to the back of the class to sit down.

    Safu and Inukashi sat at the front of the class and the teacher came in to start the class. The teacher told us that a new student was going to be joining homeroom and that we better be nice to her. Great, a new person who's going to think I'm a freak; I was going to open my textbook until I saw a girl enter the room. The girl had white hair, brownish-reddish eyes, had a red scar on her face, was wearing a light cyan sweater over a white blouse, a dark blue skirt, white socks, and black shoes. She also wore a light red coat over her clothes; the teacher noticed the girl and told us that this was Shion, the new kid she was talking about.

    Shion, who I think is the girl's name, looked really nervous and scared. The teacher asked Shion to find a seat, so, she would join the class. Shion walked over the empty seat that was in the room, which was the seat next to me. I heard gasps and whispers after Shion did that and I ignored it; while the teacher was teaching class, I was taking notes in the class until I saw a piece of paper on my desk.

      Thinking it was another note from the bullies, I wanted to rip it up but half of me was wanting me to read it. I decided to read it and what it said was: Hi, my name is Shion, want to be friends? It was from the new kid. I was shocked that the new kid would want to be friends with me, a freak. I looked over at Shion who smiled at me when she saw me look at her. I rolled my eyes as I wrote a note that said: you really want to be friends with me? I passed the note to Shion desk as I started to write my notes again.

     After a little while, another piece of paper went on my desk. I opened up the piece of paper and it said: of course, I wouldn't I want to be your friend, you seem nice :). Oh man, this kid really thinks I'm nice, huh? I grabbed another piece of paper and I wrote the note that said: you're weird, but whatever, alright, I'll be friends with you. I gave the note to Shion without anyone noticing and it was nice to see Shion look really happy with herself. I'm surprised we didn't get in trouble for passing notes; guess we were that good. However, little did I know was that, this would be a start of a new beginning.

Do you believe even the worst person can change? (Modern AU, Nezumi x femShion)Where stories live. Discover now