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I was with Misaki. "Did you two kiss"!? She asked. "No. You think I'm the type of person to kiss on the first date"? I asked. "Well you know what I'll do on the first date". She smirked. "Ew slut". I teased. "Oh shut up bitch". She said. We laughed. "Ok so kiss second date"? She asked. "Jeez you're a horny little something aren't you... You remind me of-". I was cut off. "Little (N/n)"! A voice said. My eyes widen. I grabbed Misaki hand and ran for dear life. I bumped into someone. "Damn it watch where you're- oh. Nishinoya"? Kageyama asked. I nodded. "Hey I'm Misaki Kaidou. (Y/n)'s best friend"! Misaki said. "Hi... Are you running from Nishinoya too"? Kageyama asked. "She kinda just dragged me. I wouldn't have run. That little guy is cute". Misaki said.

"(N/n)"! Nishinoya tackled me. "Skirt"! I yelled falling over. Everyone in the halls looked at us. "You run fast"! Nishinoya laughed. Tanaka took pictures of us. "I'm going to beat your ass"! I laughed evilly. "At least I'll die by your hand's". Nishinoya said. Kageyama pulled Nishinoya off of me. I smiled evilly. Nishinoya eyes widen. I tilted my head with a murderous glare. "Come on Nishinoya. I want to play". I said. "Oh shit". Nishinoya mumbled. "You better run". Tanaka said. Nishinoya ran and I ran after. "I know where you go after school"! I said. We ran into the wrong spot. Daichi glared at us. It was so intense. "O-oh no". Asahi said. I stood froze. "I'm so sorry"! Nishinoya said. "What the fuck". I mumbled. Kageyama and Tanaka arrived then Misaki. "Fuck you four or fast as hell". She said out of breath. Hinata walked passed. "What are you two doing? I told you about running down the hallway"! Daichi said. "Won't happen again"! Nishinoya said.

"What the fuck". I mumbled. "(Y/n) your school uniform is dirty, you're actually reckless. I expect that from Nishinoya. What do you have to say for yourself"? Daichi asked. "... What the fuck". I mumbled again. Misaki punched me in the shoulder. My eyes widen. "O-oh my bad"? It came out as more of a question. I've never been lectured before. "She's never been scolded before she doesn't know what say". Asahi said. "Daichi I leaped at her and that's why her clothes are dirty". Nishinoya said. I was so confused. "What's going on"? Hinata asked. Kageyama shrugged. "Yeah... I don't know what's happening. Misaki get your shit we're leaving". I said.

"Bye more than half of the hot volleyball team"! Misaki said. "Seriously? How's your dude"? I asked. "Which one"? She laughed. I rolled my eyes. "See when you get caught slipping. Don't pull me down with you. Dude's hit y'know". I said. "That's why I have you. To be my personal bodyguard". She said. "You think I'll be able to take a hit from a guy"? I asked. "Yes you're strong and fast as hell"! Misaki said. "Thanks". I blushed. "I'm concerned have you been hit by a male before"? Sugawara asked. "Define hit"? I asked. "Don't act dumb". Misaki said. "It doesn't matter"! I smiled twirling around in a sing songs voice. Kageyama pulled me to him.

"Have you been in abusive relationship"? Kageyama asked making me look at him. "Don't lie to me". Kageyama said. The bell rung. "See you guy's"! I smiled leaving. After school Misaki walked me to practice. "Shouldn't you tell them about the fights you and your ex had"? Misaki asked. "I'm tough enough to handle some little fucking punches. I'm not weak". I said. "So? It's still wrong... I mean I date some street people and they never hit me. "Plus you two were dating. I can see it was a random guy. But you loved this boy". Misaki said. "Misaki be careful you almost sound like you're worried about me". I laughed. "I am! You're super hot and nice and your ex's just use to treat you like trash! Kageyama won't be like that! I can tell! Just by how worried he was back at lunch when the topic got brought up". Misaki said. I yawned. "My stop". I said. She nodded walking off.

"So you were abused". A voice said. It Tsukishima who spoke. "What the hell don't just-! Hell you scared me". I mumbled. "Sorry (Y/n) but we over heard your conversation". Yamaguchi said. "It's cool...". I mumbled. "It's weird because the relationship you have with your brother. I thought you'd maybe tell him something like that". Tsukishima said. "My brother doesn't need my problem's. Plus it's not a big deal. I'm not crying. It's not like I'm traumatized by a couple of punches". I said. "(Y/n)... Azumane-senpai showed us pictures of you. You were small and frail. I would know. You just recently got stronger". Yamaguchi said.

"Well I've always been strong minded. No matter how much people say I act like a kid". I said. "I think I figured you out". Tsukishima said. I looked at him. "I know you never hit back when he hit you. Because you loved him. Even when you were younger you still were the type to blame themselves for something else happening. That's why you aren't angry. That's why you keep pushing off the subject like your ex did nothing wrong. Because you blame yourself for him hitting you". Tsukishima said. "We should go in". I said walking into the gym. We did our drills and practiced volleyball. I sat down on the floor pushing my hair out my face. I closed my eyes. I felt someone sit beside me. I opened my eyes. It was Tsukishima. "You deserve better than what your ex gave you". He said. "Thank you". I mumbled.

"Oi! What the hell are you doing"? Kageyama yelled. "Relax king I was just talking to your queen". Tsukishima smirked. "I'll help you with your blocks". I said. "You don't have to". Tsukishima said. "I want to". I smiled. We went on court. "Alright I'm going to hit it hard"! I said. He nodded. Sugawara set for me and I hit the ball hard and fast giving Tsukishima no time to jump. "Oh! My bad! I'm seeing the enemy. I'll ease up". I said. I did another one but a little less extreme and he blocked it. "Ow"! He said. "Sorry! You can do me if you want"! I said. "I can do you"? Tsukishima asked. "Jesus dude! You know what I meant"! I said. He smirked. "Alright". He said. I went to block the ball put it bounced off the tips of my finger. I quickly received it. "(Y/n) you can't jump as high as Hinata so why try to block"? Tsukishima asked. "Good question. I'm not much of a blocker or a setter". I laughed. I thought. "I guess because I don't want to be useless! I want to at least be good enough". I said.

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