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"Hey (Y/n)". Asahi walked over to me. "Hi". I waved. "What are you doing"? Asahi asked. "Watching Kageyama have a staring contest with the vending machine". I said. "Is he ok"? Asahi asked. "He's been like this for the 2 minutes I got here". I said. "Azumane-chan". Someone called. Asahi and I looked back. It was a second year guy. "You know him"? Asahi asked. "Nope let's walk". I started walking but Asahi was in my way. "Maybe it's important". Asahi said. "I doubt it". All of a sudden Nishinoya and Tanaka came out of nowhere with scary faces. "What!? You trying to confess!? Well you can't"! They growled.

"What... The hell". I mumbled. "Their like this with Shimizu and Yachi to". Asahi said. "Hey (Y/n)! Hi Asahi senpai"! Hinata said. "Hey". We both said. "Guys s-stop before Daichi comes"! Asahi said walking over to Nishinoya and Tanaka. "What's happening? Is Shimizu senpai around"? Hinata asked. The 2nd year manage to walk up to me. "Azumane-chan can we talk in private"? He asked. "Why can't you say what you need to say in front of us pretty boy". Tanaka said. Nishinoya and Tanaka was being held back by Asahi. "Sure". I said walking. The guy followed me. I passed by Kageyama.

"(Y/n) do you want to practice with me and Hinata"? Kageyama asked. I smiled. "Yeah of course". I said. "Where are you going"? Kageyama asked. "Senpai here asked to talk to be alone". Kageyama stared the guy down. I didn't think he was glaring at him on purpose. Because I was told that was just his natural face. But a big tall scary guy is glaring at this poor guy. "You know what. You have volleyball practice right? I'll tell you then". Senpai said. "Wait before you stay after school. This isn't a confession right"? I asked. His face turned red. "Well I'm sorry but I can't return the feeling". I bowed. "I- it's fine". He said walking away. I frowned.

"Don't let it get to you. People should be prepared for rejection". Kageyama said. "That's doesn't matter. I feel like a ass when this happens". I said. I thought for a moment. "Wait why are guy's coming after me like I'm attractive or some shit"! I said. I was deeply confused. "Because you are"!Nishinoya and Tanaka said. My eyes widen and my face heated up. "D-don't tease me like that s-senpai's! Where d-did you two even come from"!? I blushed pouting. "Aww you're adorable little (N/n)"! Nishinoya ran at me. My eyes widen and I hid behind Kageyama. "Come out I just want a hug"! Nishinoya teased.

"No! You're so weird". I said. "See you scared her into hiding like a little kitten". Tanaka said. "I just want to play kitten"! Nishinoya said. Nishinoya always teased me like this. I ran off quickly. "Wait! What about practice"!? Kageyama yelled. He was out of my ear shot after a while. I bumped into someone. I looked up to see Daichi. "Don't run in the halls (Y/n)". He said helping me up sense I landed on my ass. Sugawara was with him. "What happened that have you in such a rush"? Sugawara asked. "I'm sorry. But Nishinoya and Tanaka started to mess with me. And I had to zoom out". I said. "Sis you can't just run down the halls"? Asahi said. "Why are they sensitive to running"? I asked.

"You make no sense some days". Asahi said. "We're all mad here". I smiled pointing at my head. "Jeez...". Asahi said. "Oh it's that hot new first year". Some people mumbled. "There's a new first year? I wonder who's class their in". I said. They stared at me. "You do realize you're the only first year here right"? Daichi asked. I looked around. "Huh... Oh shit biscuit! I told Kageyama I'll practice with him. Bye"! I smiled and left. I found Hinata and Kageyama at the gym. I ran in. "Sorry"! I bowed. "It's alright". They shrugged. I got the ball and passed it to Kageyama who set it to Hinata, we took turns in spiking. "Oi! We should clean up. 3 minutes until we have to go to class". I said. "Aw man"! Hinata said. "We'll do more in practice right"? Kageyama asked. "Oh hell yeah". I smiled. We cleaned up and I went to class.

"The value of x + x(xx) when x = 2 is:(a) 10, (b) 16, (c) 18, (d) 36, (e) 6". Sensei wrote on the board. "This is a little difficult because it's a problem for 3rd years". Sensei said. I looked out the window. "Azumane do you might now what the answer is". Sensei asked me. "I don't know 10". I said. She looked at me shocked. "Why do you say 10"? Sensei asked. I shrugged. "Well it must have been just a guess". Sensei said. I looked at her I felt challenged. I stared into her eyes. "Put the value of x = 2 in the above expression". I got up and went to the board and wrote:
2 + 2(22)

= 2 + 2(2 × 2)

= 2 + 2(4)

= 2 + 8

= 10

"It's 10". I said. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi looked at me. At practice I was doing laps. "Stupid sensei call my guess a guess. Who does she think she is"? I mumbled. I ran faster than everyone else. I think it was because I wasn't paying attention. "Like it was a guess. But she didn't have to out me like that". I mumbled. Someone touched me I jumped up and punched them. "Ow"! Asahi said. "Oh my God I'm so sorry Asahi! You startled me"! I said panicked. "I-it's fine! You just ran 4 extra laps. You looked bothered". Asahi said. "No! No! I'm fine! Sorry"! I said. "It's time to spike". Asahi said. I nodded. I went to spike. I threw the ball up and hit it. "Die"! I yelled as it hit the other side hard. Everyone stared at me I looked back and they all turned away. "Oh this is fun". I smiled.  I grabbed another ball and repeated this multiple times until my hand stung and it was bright red. "Is yelling die like some tactic"? Hinata asked me.

"Uh... I imagine the floor as someone or something I don't like. So when I hit the ball I really want it to land on the floor. To kill it". I said. "I can see it now sensei murdered by volleyball to the face". Tsukishima said. "You're having problems with a sensei"? Asahi asked. "Not really. I'm just upset that she said my correct answer was just a guess. Even though it was". I said. "Wait! What!? You went on the board and solved it and everything"! Yamaguchi said. "Yeah after I clearly saw it. At first I just said a random number". I said. "Well kid maybe I'll have you guess some random lottery numbers for me". Coach said. I chuckled. I heard Hinata yelling die in the background. He looked at me. "I think I killed the cockroach"! Hinata said. "Awesome"! I smiled.

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