Karina J. Matthews

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Name: Karina J. Matthews 

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual (but leans towards guys)

Appearance: (found on google)

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Clothes: (found on google)

Personality: She is mostly closed off but with certain people, she tries to be open and social

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Personality: She is mostly closed off but with certain people, she tries to be open and social. She actually likes meeting new people it's just hard for her to socialize due to her past. Once you get close enough to her though, you'll learn that she is very kind, trustworthy, and supportive. But she sometimes/most of the time likes to be on the safe side so she doesn't do any drugs or drink alcohol. There are rare times though, where she will drink enough to get buzzed but never full on drunk. Even though she doesn't do drugs, she's fine with others doing it as long as they don't try to get her to do them. 

Fears: Her parents and becoming her parents


-She does have an older brother who promised he'd save her from her parents one day but once he turned 18, he left her alone with her parents and went to an university. 

-She has multiple scars all over her body from her father.

-She has a tattoo of a moon on her left wrist and a sun on her right wrist. 

Background: Her mother was an alcoholic and a druggy. She always treated Karina badly, always saying she was a mistake and that she'd never be like her brother. Her father was abusive and would beat her with a belt and sometimes his hands, whenever he felt that she did something wrong. Karina's brother sometimes got abused but never as much as she did because he was believed to be their perfect child. Once she turned 18, she moved out and moved in with a friend of hers. 

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