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Julia laid motionless, her body sunken into the mattress. Ellis's cheek was warm against the skin of her chest, his arms wrapped around her midsection. His grip was fierce, but needy and vulnerable all at once. Her muscles ached and were tense from lying still on the bed for countless hours and her eyes were heavy with sleep, but she remained wide awake.

Her bottle of sleeping pills had run dry, and her head throbbed with impossibly varying degrees of thought. Kurt would flicker in her mind, Dave too, and Ellis.

Her mind couldn't focus on one dizzying idea long enough for Julia to truly reflect, so she simply laid there, mental warfare playing out in her head. She cocked her head slightly, dull icy eyes focusing on the alarm clock that rested atop her nightstand.

6:02 A.M. The red flashing digits strained her eyes and replayed like a mantra. God, she longed for unconsciousness so badly. Every inch of her being cried out for sleep, but her mind was a ticking time bomb that couldn't bear to shut down for a second.

Ellis began to stir. "Ellis?" She said softly, running the tips of her fingers across his cheek. His eyes opened, narrow with sleep. "Hey," he muttered, lifting his head from her chest, and plopping it onto a pillow. He then reached for her hand. Julia accepted him, interlocking there fingers together.

"I haven't slept." She whispered, voice hoarse and rugged. Ellis furrowed his eyebrows, a worrisome look washing over him. "Is it about last night?" He asked. Julia simply nodded.

Ellis removed his hand from her's, and wrapped his arms around her, fully enveloping her body against his chest. "Do you want to know?" she asked, her voice muffled by his shoulder. "Know what?"

"Know what happened to me?"

Ellis nodded his head.

Julia let out a breath of relief mixed with fear, fear for the unknown reaction that her lover may have.

Hello angels. This is short but I felt like I needed to update hehe. Thanks for reading❤️

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