Chapter 14: Dance With The Devils

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You explained to Kate about what you learned from The Archiever in the most mind boggling way you could muster, while all the present survivors turned to you and the girl in curiosity. Your words seemed to inspire some, threaten the others; while a few stayed their natural sceptical self. Through sheer chaos and uncollected words you could be sure that she wouldn't suspect you of plotting the night of her demise. Without emotions to feast upon, this world would fall to nothingness. She wouldn't have the power to upkeep the conscience that has been woven for what seemed like decades.
-"Unbelievable. I thought we'll spend all eternity here." The astonished blonde said, casting a warm glance your way. You only put a finger to your lips to silence her. Any thought that the entity wouldn't like, that would've been threatening to it; could cause you to be banished into the void.
The god was tyrannical and soulless. It was the very reason none of you could embrace the cold grace of eternal death. The primal force that fed off of your misery and torment didn't pull their own conscience to care for your meaningless fates.
-"It would take perfect planning to fool it." Jane spoke up with a small shake of her head, trying to stay on the bright side of this painful situation.
Even if you did pull it off by some miracle, the thought of death still terrified all of you. Something a mortal's mind could never really wrap itself around was their inevitable demise.
Although, maybe it wouldn't end like that. Maybe you would be taken back to the evening before you met the cold knife that ended your life. Perhaps, you could have another chance at life and be prepared for what you failed to see the first time.
-"Better to take a risk than to endure jumping between life and death until we become hollow." Nea spoke up, twirling her finger up in the air to emphasize the painful lethargy of dying and living over and over.
-"And when we're useless to it, we'll go to the void. Forgotten." You murmured and lifted your head up to your friends.
-"Before us, there were others. They served their purpose to the entity and when there was nothing left to eat out of them... You all know what happened." You said sorrowfully and the surrounding party noded in union, fully agreeing with what you said.
-"What happens to us if we won't make it?" Dwight asked in fear as you could only shrug. You wouldn't have known what the entity did to those that tried to stand up against the eldritch being. And you- just like everyone else feared the consequences. But you couldn't let terror gnaw at you. It couldn't control you if you wanted to survive.
Just before you came up with an answer, the hushing murmur enveloped your head and onyx fog rolled around your frame.
You only closed your eyes in preparation as you felt Kate shoving an ivory white ward into your palms.

You woke up once again, taking in a deep breath as the terrain around you shifted into a very familiar layout. Your eyes were left wide in shock as your vibrant (e/c) pools scouted through the well kept furniture of your own living room. Left in disbelief, you slowly rose up to your feet and walked over the dark oak floors, noticing how they screeched and wailed in protest. Just like when you were a child.
Still extremely confused by the situation, you made your way towards the wooden shelves of your family household, seeing the photograph of you, your mother and your father. Though, the details seemed quite hazy. Almost as if you were reliving a memory. You wouldn't be surprised if that hellbent monster would try and venture to your head. You barked under your breath as your palm collided with the walls, harshly.
-"Stay out of my fucking head you abomination." You shrilled and grasped your head as a sharp pain started to reel through your own mind. With seconds, the torment only increased as you collapsed to your knees and tried to mend away the cruel suffering.
Fresh tears ran down your cheeks as you cast a glance onwards, seeing a blurry child like figure slowly making its way towards you. Blinking away the psychic visions, the image was soon clearer as you were now in what seemed like a pitch black plane; with that same little boy standing and peering at you curiously. Now, when the pain was duller you could see all the details of the strange entity in front of you.
No longer blurred, it appeared it was a kid no older than eleven with short ruffled brown hair and piercing forest green eyes.
-"Hi miss." The child spoke up boldly, waving his hand at you. You felt unsure on what to say or how to react. So many thoughts and feelings were racing in your mind; but you knew you had to ask the most important question.
-"Are you Danny?" You asked, hearing your own voice crack under the soreness of your throat.
-"How did you guess that?!" The boy responded in glee, astonished by you.
-"Oh I have to show you something miss... Uhh..."
-"(Y/n)." You answered as the young Danny extended his palm towards you and you took to travel to whatever strange place he wanted to take you to.
The world once more started to shift and turn, thankfully the headache was long gone. A bright light suddenly erupting from the darkness caused you to close your eyes and cover your face with your arm. The moment it disappeared you saw yourself standing in a strange living room. You didn't reckon ever visiting a house this washed out and awfully unkempt. The colors from the walls was fading, you saw fungus peering from under the old paint, the floorboards were rotting and destroyed, the furniture had the same story to tell. You cringed in disgust when the pungent scent of alcohol, cigarettes and musk hit your nostrils. Whatever this place was it just begged you to run out of there. But something kept you standing solid.
Before you, two apparitions materialized out of thin air; they quickly became solid. One of the men you recognized instantly- it was Danny himself. The other, a lot older balding man with a scornful expression. He looked just as disgusting and unkempt as this entire house.
The two figures soon enough started to interact with eachother but the sounds you heard were blurred. You put in your entire focus to hear what words were being said between the two.
-"You never gave me anything in life but dissapointment. You drink away all the money and throw hands whenever you had a little too much. You disgust me so much I take offense in calling you my father. I will leave this God fucking forsaken house one way or another." You heard Danny's voice as the memory's apparition seemed to be growing more frantic by the second.
-"You little ungrateful shit, you dare to talk to your parent like this? You are nothing." The voice in which the man spoke was more of a drunken rage slur. Not a second passed as the man grabbed the brunnete by the collar and flunged him across the room. A sound of wood breaking filled your ears as the killer's frame collided with the furniture. Your stared at the situation in bewilderment. Your voice didn't respond to you. You couldn't yell at Danny or his father to stop and when you saw the journalist withdrawing a hunting knife out of his pocket you knew it wouldn't change anything. You saw Danny's quick leap onto the man's large figure and with a single fling of his wrist, a loud thud resounded throughout the house.
Blood sprouted from the wound almost as if it was a bloody waterfall, the man laid sprawled on the bloodied floorboards; motionless.
-"I put up with your shit long enough." Danny spoke and kneeled next to the corpse of his father.
-"Don't look so gruff now, old man. You'll get to see me becoming a star from the depths of hell. Shame mom didn't live to the day to finally be free of you." The brunette laughed dryly as a single tear left your eye from looking at this gruesome and heartwrenching scene.
All the abuse he endured until he snapped, like a rubber band.
As you felt your senses come back to you you made your way towards the killer and let your fingers grace over the ghastly visage of your stalker. He only slowly graced his eyes upwards to you, a bitter smile resting on his face.
Before you had the chance to say anything the apparition blurred into nothingness, along with the corpse. The house you were in was soon to follow, bending and blending almost if it was an old painting that was quickly blurring away.
You closed your eyes peacefully, wondering if it is all of the memories you'd be accessing.
To your surprise, the chirping of birds and the beauty of the northern suburbs welcomed you back as you only stared at the pale imitation of your once gracious life unravel before your very eyes. The feeling of atleast tasting the memory of your city felt like a shock of nostalgia.
Then, you saw yourself in the kitchen, singing softly to yourself while making breakfast and already enjoying a cup of morning coffee. Not much of a shock to see Ghostface peering through the closed window, watching you in glee. Your hand rested on your heart as you felt the butterflies dancing in your stomach. With a few moments of collecting thoughts you judged you must've been feeling what Danny felt when he watched you.
You blinked your eye as the scenery changed once again. You now saw yourself going home alone at night as a drunk man catcalled you. You, of course ignored the call and went on with your walk but you felt... Anger. Seething agitation and bloodlust. You spun around to see Danny hiding behind a tree, his hunting knife deeply etched into the trunk. You gulped down imagining how many things must have the man seen so far. You blinked once again and now you felt the strong scent of iron and the same man that catcalled you was twisted grotesquely on the pavement, his limbs almost representing an origami. The thirst to kill, the satisfaction, the madness; you felt his raging and delirious emotions course through you as you saw Danny retrieving his weapon from the mutilated corpse.
He was always right under your nose.
You closed your eyes and exhaled loudly. All the memories that Danny possessed of you seemed to run through your mind like a broken record. All your smiles, laughter, your silly antics, all his murders, all his plans, his mother and her death. With every new puzzle piece of a memory you felt your heart sink further into madness. He was misunderstood, mistreated, abused and treated like a dog. He snapped and did horrendous things.
Once you opened your eyes you were back to the void like limbo plane. With all the emotions and experiences you sat down as tears freely cascaded down your cheeks.

-"You're still just as nosy as you used to be (y/n). That's causing me a lot of trouble." You heard Danny's cold voice.

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