Chapter 7:A Cup Of Coffee And Mischief

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The morning welcomed you with the sun shyly peeking through your curtains. You decided to get out of bed after a moment of thanking the dawn that you were given the privilege of not getting stabbed to death while asleep. Perhaps Ghostface was afraid to enter the house with more than one peron present?
That theory was soon proven wrong as you found yet another creepy note left by the murderer. You let yourself exhale deeply as you stared at the mix of white paper and black ink forming one dreading sentence. In a whimsy his words replayed in your head like a broken record. No one can stop him. You walked over to the steaming cup of coffee standing at the counter of your kitchen, picking the mug up in your hands as your nails tapped on the glassy surface. Something had to be done and it had to be done quick.
Right after you drank the warm beverage you stepped out to your porch, checking the mailbox. You expected to see the brand new print of the newspaper.
This time, you were indeed the headline.

"Ghostface leaves a survivor. An act of mercy or a part of a greater plan?" You knew Jed would use a flashy and attention grabbing title for an article, yet a part of you still felt the dread of being 'a scheme for a greater plan'. You picked out the newspaper and ventured back into the house, giving the news attention.
You weren't surprised to see all the details that you've told the journalist about your encounter with the infamous killer. He left out no loose plots and wrote down every word you spoke about the serial killer. For that you were happy. It was just a step closer to unraveling his evildoing.
Yet, your mind went places as you've proof read the newspaper.
Something about his writing style felt all too familiar all of a sudden.
You shook your head in disbelief, disregarding the sudden theory that there's a link between the criminal and the young journalist. Jed saw a lot of Ghostface's killings. Maybe he was just trying to look from his perspective.
"The murderer left a handful of creepy and esthetically written notes all around the survivor's house. He seemed to be hiding in plain sight."
Although it felt almost surreal that the man would know that you received notes from the killer. You didn't speak about that part in particular. Or so you recalled.
Perhaps you blurted it out at some point? Or he bribed that information out from the police? You couldn't be so sure anymore.
Your hand absentmindedly traced over the healing scab on your neck and then to your lips. Could the man that apparently had feelings for you also be the one to put your life at risk? That just sounded absurd. Why in the world would he even do that.
A small knock on your front door made you snap out of your lethargy as you got up and walked over to open it.
On the outside you saw a long cascade of wild and untamed blonde hair, a pale face wearing that sweet and prominent smile and of course those deep brown eyes looking at you with evident excitement. Alice apparently had a day off judging by the colorful and vivid attire she was wearing.

-"Heya girl I thought maybe you could use some company and since I have a day off I kind of spontaneously decided I should pay you a visit!" The young woman chirped optimistically as her smile grew into a big grin. You wondered how that little ball of energy and sweetness could ever be a serious cop. Then again you really didn't get to see her in action so perhaps she was more than she seemed.
-"You're too kind for me Alice I swear." You giggled as you let the girl inside your house so that you could prepare for the day with an acquaintce.
-"So I read the newspaper today and damn, they already calling miss (y/n) (l/n) a weathered survivor! I'm not so sure if it's that much of a good thing though." The blonde exclaimed energetically, saying the last part with a second thought.
-"What do you mean by that hun?" You asked as you put on a black top, eyeing Alice questioningly from the bathroom.
-"Well I'm no expert but that article seems to taunt Ghostface. And ya know how it goes when you play cheeky with a killer on the loose." She retorted putting a hand on her hips. There was some wisdom to her words you had to give her that.
-"Then again this whole journalist... Jed? Guy seems to be really cheeky with how he describes the killer- almost as if he's not afraid to piss him off." The woman added after a short pause, finding it quite weird that the killer wouldn't target someone that writes articles about him.
-"You're absolutely right, Alice." You muttered as the aspiring police officer leaned over the doorframe of your bathroom, whilst you were applying light makeup to your face.
-"If I were the higher ups I'd defenitely get this guy checked. Wouldn't be surprised if he and the killer were actually in touch with eachother. But no one ever listens to the rookies." Alice commented with a roll of her eyes, finding it so harsh that they never listened to her and her ideas.
-"Accusing a journalist of working with a killer, that sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory here. We don't know anything for sure." You remarked as you turned your gaze to the girl who seemed to have a milion ideas pop up in her head.
-"Wouldn't hurt to take a look now, would it?"
-"Alice that's stalking."
-"Not if we don't get caught."
You were really at loss of words of how easy the woman could just drop her moral codex to find out something that piqued her curiosity. You couldn't say you disagreed with her. You weren't so sure yourself anymore.
-"I see that look in your eyes (y/n)!" She giggled with a sly grin.
-"If we do get caught nosing around an innocent journalist you're serving my jail time."
-"If he's innocent then it sounds like a deal to me." You took a deep sigh at what you just agreed to.

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