Chapter 2: Hide And Seek

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You swallowed the bile rising in your throat in sheer terror as you desperately tried to grasp the situation. After all, your paranoia was right. You were right to fear your own house. Safety wasn't found, even here in what most people called a sanctuary. Not wasting a single extra second you leaped for the stationary phone, hanging in your kitchen and with shaky fingers you punched in the emergency number, frantically looking around yourself. A dull kitchen knife laid at the kitchen counter and you hastily picked it up, unsure if you would've been capable of taking an intruder's life. It always baffled you how easily murderers ended lives of innocents. Like they were nothing but sheep for slaughter.

The voice of the assistant on the other line woke you up from your dreaded philosophy.

-"9-1-1 What is your emergency?" The man spoke and you were caught at loss of words.

-"My name is (Y/n) (L/n)... I believe...Someone broke into my house. I live in the north suburbs. I fear..They might still be around. " You spoke in a hushed tone, trying to sound as quiet as possible. Your throat felt so dry that speaking almost felt painful. The possibility of dragging even more attention, especially with a killer on the loose scared you helpless.

-"We'll send police officers, if you are still in the house miss (Y/n) I suggest you find a place to hide and do not come out until the officers are here." You nodded quickly and hung up, trying to hide in the spacy cupboard right under your counter. The wood was brand new so thankfully it didn't make too much noise.

As you sat there in complete silence you swore you could hear your own heartbeat, racing like a little rabbit. And then you heard something else. They were... Footsteps. Light but firm, more than a few meters away from you. Defenitely a taller man's walking pattern. Terrified, you cast your confused eyes to the creak of your hiding spot, trying to atleast get a glance at your intruder. Leathery sounds of jeans and combat boot filled your ears as you knew the figure was getting closer to you. 'Does he know?' you thought, as glistening tears filled up your desperate eyes.

You had no idea how to react. Should you beg for mercy, fight or try to run away? All of these ideas seemed to have a low chance of succession and with your life at stake you couldn't take those risks. Seconds passed like hours and by the heavy breathing right outside the cupboard, he seemed to have a mask of sorts. Judging by the distorted sound of inhaling.

You felt that he knew exactly where you have hidden. The man gently tapped his fingers on the clean wood, making your heart skip atleast three beats in fear. You closed your eyes and expected to be dragged out of your hiding place with brute force. Instead you heard that the intruder stepped onto the counter, His weight making loud creaks on the light wood. And another step outside the window.

Silence yet again.

You finally breathed out after several more seconds as you didn't notice holding in your own breath. A minute or two passed of you completely frozen in place and then you heard banging on your front door.

-"Miss (Y/n) (L/n) open the door, it's the police."

Another tear escaped your eye as you leaped out of the cupboard filled with hope. You were safe. For now, atleast. You ran to the machogany wooden door as if your life depended on it and opened it widely.

To your luck, there stood two police officers, wearing serious and weary expressions.

-"He was here. Someone was here. He left a note and escaped. Through... Through the window." You stammered out, still bewildered by what happened in the very break of dawn.

-"We'll take a look and after this we'll take you to the police station so we can file a report. You'll tell us all the details there." You smiled in relief and thanked the men. You hoped they'll catch that bastard soon.

After a few hours of investigation you followed the police officers to the station, ready to tell anything that would help them catch the serial killer. What you did not see was the small note tucked elegantly into your windowsill.

"And you really think the police is gonna save you from me, doll?"

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