🧡 Tokomaru- Are we friends?

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It is very short but I hope you will like it either way *3*

AU: Non-despair
Pairings: Komaru x Toko
Triggers: none

Toko POV
Lately Makoto made many attempts to befriend me wich was getting quite annoying... What did he want from me? He constantly brought me all kinds of gifts and insisted on spending time together.
But what I couldn't believe was that... I was spending time at his place right now. The two of us just chatted just like we 'always' did. Our conversation was somewhat enjoyable until someone unexpectedly showed up... It was his sister. I heard about her few times from Makoto but I wasn't expecting to meet her anytime soon.
First thing she said after entering Makoto's room was "You didn't say you had a guest over... Anyways you left your phone downstairs and it's ringing so better come and get it"
"Why didn't you just bring me my phone here?" he asked.
"Becouse it whould be rude to talk on your phone next to your guest duh!" she said in rather scolding manner.
"So is leaving the-"
"Just take t-the g-godamn call" I cut him off. He looked at me for a second and then then left the room. His sister still was in the room and was staring at me and I couldn't take her stare anymore "What do you w-want from me" I almost yelled wich made her look at me surprised "I just wanted to talk to you but I couldn't think of a topic"
"Why do you want to talk to me?"
"You seem interesting. Plus I want to know who my brother is friends with" she smiled at me "My name is Komaru!"
Maybe if I agree to talk to her she'd leave me alone because I'm so boring "... Toko"
"You are one of Makoto's classmates right? And Ultimate writing prodigy is your talent?" she asked.
"Yes that's me" I nodded.
What I didn't expect is for her to come closer and she seemed to be super excited "I love your writing! Your style is so unique and stories are more than interesting!" she sat in front of me "What is your inspiration?"
"E-enough with t-the questions already!"
"But how am I supposed to get to know you?"
"Nobody is F-forcing you to"
"Yes I am aware and I am doing this out of my free will" she sighed "Geez why are you so stubborn? I just want to be friends!" crossing her arms she looked at the door.
There was few seconds of silence until she spoke up again "I'm sorry okay. You know for asking too much..." I just nodded "Apology accepted..." I don't know why but I feel a little bit guilty for snapping at her but I shouldn't overthink it so I changed topic instead
"What's taking him so long?" it probably wasn't the best idea for conversation but I don't know what else I should say.
"He often talks long over the phone. But he should hurry after all you are here!" she crossed her arms and let out a small laugh "Well thanks to that I got to meet the best author in the world so even if our conversation was wierd... I'm happy I could meet you Toki"
"It's Toko" I corrected her with a bit cold tone.
"It's a nickname I came up with! I mean if you'd like to be friends I thought I'd come up with a nickname for you" she explained with a bright smile wich made me nervous... She really wants me to be her friend? "We c-can be F-friends but n-no nicknames! I'm not ready for that" she nods and few seconds later Makoto comes back "I'm sorry! The person got the wrong number and they whouldn't stop talking and I couldn't just hang up cuz they kept calling again!"

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