Dimension traveler x Batfam

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Warning: A bit of sexual harassment.

Josie Davis was not expecting that her usual boring Wednesday would turn into the craziest day of her life. Josie had had a regular day at college in Chicago, where she was born, and she was making her way home. Her brown waves were messy and she was in plain jeans and a black blouse with her grey eyes behind glasses. She was only a few blocks away when a weird vortex appeared before her and sucked her up. She tumbled in the vortex for what felt like hours until she was spit out mid air falling to her death. 

"I've got her!" someone shouted and then Josie was in someone's arms in the air.

Josie saw the superman symbol on ther chest and looked to see she was being carried by the Superman. She wore a shocked expression as he flew down and set her on the ground where a bunch of other justice leaguers stood or fought. Batman faced her and looked her over for any sign of injury.

"Superman she's okay but seems to be in shock, give her to the medics and have them locate her home. Remember, with Warp's abilities he might have pulled her from half way across the world."

"I'm not from this world," Josie blurted before Superman could lead her away.

Superman gave her a look of pity and said some reassuring words that they would get her home.

"No, I mean I'm really not from this world. You guys are in comics in my world, you guys are fiction."

Superman and Wonder Woman glanced at each other and began whispering about her being delusional. Batman was the only one who took a closer look at her and saw the pin Josie had of her school name and mascot.

"University of Chicago? Chicago only has a college and a vocational school and neither has an Eagle for a mascot. If you really are from another dimension, tell me something no one should know?" 

Josie checked that there was no one who wasn't a superhero close by and wondered what she should say. 

"Is the Watchtower public knowledge yet? Or the existence of the team?" Josie asked hesitantly.

That got their attention and they started to believe her but that came with another problem.

"Yltnenamrep rewop sih laes! (Seal his power permanently)" Zatanna shouted.

She had just sealed Warp's power, the only being in the universe who had the knowledge or the power to send her back home.

"I'm sorry uh..." Superman began.

"Josie, Josie Davis."

I'm sorry Josie, you're stuck in our world."

This is where the shock settled in and Josie teared up. Superman winced in discomfort waiting for her to begin bawling, but she didn't. Josie let a few tears slip then wiped them away with a single sniffle and faced them with determination in her eyes.

"Since I have sensitive information about your world, I advise you to put me somewhere safe."

"We could have her stay with the team at the Watchtower," Wonder Woman suggested.

"I say she stays with a leaguer for the added protection," Canary said.

"But we can't just expect to hide her away forever, she should be able to live her life," Superman argued.

"What do you want Josie?" Batman surprisingly asked.

Josie thought about it, and decided she would try to fulfill on of her dreams if she ever where to enter the dc universe.

"Can I work with Agent A? I'm more of a supporting person than a fighter and he's the best at what he does," Josie stated.

"Who is Agent A? Who does he work with? How do you know about Agent A?"

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