Part 2

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Naruto was on the Hokage mountain with some buckets of paint and a bag of spray paint. He tied his KILL-ME orange jumpsuit jacket around his wait.. His yellow short hair flattered in the wind. Well he has a Genjutsu on which only a Kage can detect with the help of his card Sosuke Aizen. In his right hand was 2 cards. He summoned both of them.

 He summoned both of them

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"Need help with decorating again?" asked Toshiro

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"Need help with decorating again?" asked Toshiro. Naruto smirked. Ichigo grabbed a bucket and a brush and got started. Toshiro opened the bag and got out some spray. Ichigo done the first, Toshiro the second, Naruto the third and fourth. By the time that they done they heard.

"Oi what are you doing up there!" shouted a Jounin. 

"Time to bail," said Ichigo. The two duel monsters (As Naruto learned to call them) left as Naruto ran, jumping from building to building, placing the two cards in his pocket. 

After out-running 5 Jounin and 3 Anbu, Naruto was "caught" by a Chunin named Iruka Umino. They had to do the transformation test before having the clone test which was tomorrow. Naruto deciding to actually pass this year, decided to redo the Shadow Clone jutsu when he got to his private training grounds which was the forest of death aka, his home. 

When Naruto got into school and sat down, he watched Choji lose to Shikamaru. 

"Ne, Shika, can I play?" asked Naruto. Shikamaru nodded as Choji swapped places with Naruto so he can play. One by one people left and came back with Hitai-ate around their body. Naruto placed a piece down before saying.

"Check.... mate," Naruto said. Shikamaru's eyes widened as he realised Naruto's patterns. 

"Damn, how did I not noticed?! These are the same moves that my old man always uses against me! Naruto, you troublesome blonde. How much are you hiding?" thought Shikamaru.

"Congratulations Naruto, you must be the only one here who can beat Shikamaru in a game of Shogi," said Choji with a smile. Naruto nodded as his name was called. He got up and left, leaving the class whispering on how the "dead-last" defeated Shikamaru. Naruto walked into the testing room and looked at his senseis.

"Ohayo Iruka-sensei, Mizuki-sensei," Naruto yawned.

"Ohayo Naruto, we just need you to make 3 clones, okay?" smiled Iruka, hoping that his brother-figure will pass. Naruto done the handsigns and made 3 perfect Shadow clones. Iruka smiled proudly whereas Mizuki glared at Naruto.

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