Chapter 4

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Anastasia's POV

After a while of talking, well listening,random people started to walk in and get dressed.

Ashton was taking a shower.Bertha was getting ready and I was setting down quietly waiting for Ashton.I feel so weird .

"Hey"A girl sat next to me.

I smiled and sat up.

"I'm Reeda"The girl smiled at me kindly.

I'm Anastasia,I mouthed.

"What?"The girl looked confused.

My smile faded as I looked down.Ugh she can't hear me,no one can...

"Well why are you sad?"The girl touched my shoulder.

I just inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Hey Reeda"Ashton greeted as he walked in all dressed up and ready.

"Uhm Hey Ash"She said effortlessly.

"So we should start setting up now...come with me Anastasia"Ashton said,I smiled at Reeda and followed Ashton.

Well let's get to it,Ash said as he pointed towards the amount if tables in front of us.


Niall's POV

I think I've been watching her for a while now cause she's done decorating with like 3 tables already.

I hear knock on the door"Come in"

"Oh Good morning Honey"My mother walked in.

"Mother Happy Birthday!"I hugged her.

"Oh Baby thank you"

"Why are you up early? It's your birthday"

"Well someone's has to give the service directions,you know we're not just celebrating my birthday but the company's new business association"My mother walked towards my closet.

"But that's not why I'm here right now to talk to you about,but to see what you're wearing?"My mother curiously went through my closet.

"Don't worry I'll wear something nice"All I have in that closet are tux,dress shirts and dress pants.

"I know you will,but I would prefer if you match with Natalie she has already showed me what she is wearing-Ah this is perfect"My mother handed me a light my dress shirt,black dress pants and black blazer.

"You'll look handsome as always my love"My mother kissed my cheek and left.

Oh the story of my life...

Anastasia's POV

After what it seemed like hours we were all finally done.God this is hard and now we have to serve geesh

"I'm going to the bathroom"I wrote and showed to Ashton.

"Oh uhh yeah sure,you know where it is right?"He asked.

I nodded.

Niall's POV

I came down to the kitchen to get something to eat,with all this racket going on outside,I doubt it sleeping in on a Saturday is an option.

A girl carrying some boxes right now fell,catching my attention.

I quickly hurried towards her"Oh,are you okay?"


"Ouch,these shits are heavy"Reeda said.

"Here let me-"I grabbed her arms to pull her up,but I pulled her up so fast that I elbowed some girl behind me.

Reeda and I both gasped.

"I'm so sorry-"It's her!

She looked up while caressing her forehead.

"Let me help you up"I said to her grabbing her small hands,with a smile she held mines as I pulled her up slowly and carefully without breaking any contact.

She's so beau-

"Good morning honey"Natalie said giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Anastasia's POV

His eyes were the same color of the ocean.

He's so-

"Good morning honey" The same girl from the store walked in kissing him on the lips.

Wait what?

My heart started to pound fast and I feel like in my stomach fell on the floor.Eww

"Babe good morning"

Why do I feel like this,I quickly ran out side

"Woah ,where you off to so fast?"Ashton said as I bumped into him.

I shook my head while looking down.

"Are you okay?"He smiled sympathetically.


Yes'I mouthed him with a forced smile.

"Well go and finish decorating those tables by the other side of the pool"he smile

I nodded,taking one last glance at the boy with the beautiful ocean color in his eyes...

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