Chapter 3

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Niall's POV

The sunlight hit my face and sting my eyes as I slowly opened them.

Outside was the sound of tables being set up.Oh my mother does love herself planning her own birthday party doesn't surprise me.

But from way up here something that did surprise me was that mystery girl.There standing in the middle of my backyard setting up tables.

6 hours earlier

Anastasia's POV

"Ready?"Ashton whispered as I locked the room quietly trying not to wake My aunt and Cammie up. It's only 5.

We made our way too the bus station as he explained what was going to happen when we get there.

"At what time is the party starting,that we have to get their so early"I wrote on my notebook.

"Oh like at 6 or 7 in the afternoon-Ouch!"I slapped his arm

Why are we getting their so early?!?! It's 5!!!

"What you do that for?"Ashton rubbed his arm.

It's 5!I mouthed.

"Oh yeah uhh...about that so you see we and the others have to set up and I have to fix the garden so I'm suppose to get their early actually"He said slowly."Sorry you had to wake up early"

I feel bad now...

"No,I'm sorry plus I don't know how to get there so yeah" I wrote and gave him a small smile.

He smiled back.We were just two idiots smiling at each other in the middle of the night.Well not middle, actually.

After like 2 hours,or I don't know how many hours or not passed by,point here is that we were standing in front of some big gates and on the top there was a metal arch with a bold sign that said

Horan's Manner.

"Murphy Its Ashton"Ash said as he pressed a red button and spoke through it.

The big gates opened up and Ashton starting running inside."Well don't just stand their "

I ran along with him,yep we're idiots.

We stopped out of breath.And my jaw dropped as I took in the sight of the house.

Wow,this is big.

"Nice huh?"Ashton said out of breath.I nodded, I have only seen houses so big in the magazine.

"Wait till you see the inside c'mon,but through the back,we're not allowed through the front"Ash grabbed my hand as he pulled me towards the back of the house.

He knocked on the door and a older women opened it.

"Hey Bertha"Ashton smiled.I waved

"Hello who's this "The women smiled politely"And honey you're here so early"

"This Anastasia, she's one of the waiters for tonight and also my friend "He said to her."And yeah I know we are but I'm supposed to be here so if you can please make her feel comfortable"Ashton sat me on a nice fancy chair."As I go work"He smiled and left.

"So ,Anastasia right?"The older women said.I nodded

"My name is Bertha sweetie"She seems to nice.

"Now I know it's really early but I think we can get to know each other,right"

I laughed lightly.

"So Ashton's friend huh?"She winked at me and gave her a confused glare.

"Awe c'mon don't look at me like that,is their something else going on huh"She winked once more.

Me and Ashton... Oh no he's like a bug brother.

"I think it's nice that he brought you to work with him,but ugh honestly why here this lady darling"Bertha poured something into her mug"The wife's owner of this house,whoo is she stuck up or what, honestly"She poured something else into her mug"I don't even know why I still work here"She looked straight at me "Oh but let me shut up dear,tell about you"

My smile faded as I stayed in silence.

"Oh c'mon don't be shy or did the mice took your tongue "She chucked softly.

"Not exactly, I'm muted"I wrote.

"Not exactly I'm muted"She read out loud."Muted...uhh mu- ...Oh!"She covered her mouth in regret"Muted, darling I'm so sorry I didn't know"Her voice was soft.

It's okay.I mouth

"Well let me show you the house then,oh but only the 1st level"She laughed as we walked into what it seemed the liv-

Oh my...

I can't even explain how beautiful this is,and really big oh and Fancy!!

"I know right.. beautiful,oh darling but hard to clean"She looked around.

Couple of minutes passed and Bertha had showed me the first half of the house.

And well I was left speechless.

"C'mon let's go get your uniform for today"She lead back to where the kitchen was.Then from a small door she pulled out a box.

I saw there were more,so I went over to help her.

"Okay so try on a medium I think it might fit you honey,go the bathroom is down there and to the right"She handed me a white and black weird dress

I walked the directions she gave me and I enter the even inside her is nice.

Ashton's POV

"Hey where's Anastasia?"I walked in all sweaty and breathless.

"You're really sweaty,here"Bertha handed me a cup of water"And she's try on the uniform,I'm going to go get ready my self as well"

I should shower and get ready as well too.


"Yeah?"I responded with the cup still in my mouth finishing the fresh water.

"Anastasia is a bit special isn't she?"

I wiped my mouth with my hand.

"Well it depends on what you mean,Ana is special is so many ways to me''

"She can't speak"

"Oh right,Yeah sorry I forgot to mention it,but I mean that's not a problem isn't?"

It shouldn't.

"Oh no sweetie, she's actually really lovely and a great listener "

I chuckled along with Bertha."yeah we grew up together and it was hard then to communicate with her, but later on it got easy,it's like when she let's you into her world ,it's loud and silent at the same time "A big smile was plastered on my face.

"Son sounds like you're in love"

"Oh hey! "I said to Anastasia as she walked in.

She smiled at me.Oh god those lips.

"Well it might just be a maid dress but Can you rock it or what sweetie"Bertha said and I laughed along with Anastasia.

I gave a weird glare to Bertha.

"What? I can be hip"Bertha shrugged her shoulders.

Ana and I both laughed.

Anastasia did look nice it.It's kinda short but-Ashton stop starring! Creep..

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