Chapter 5

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Eve felt as sad as an abandoned puppy, as she sat at her desk in chemistry. Wishing the world would swallow her up. Wanting to hide in a closet and never come out. Her crush on Jake was controlling her, destroying her from the inside out. She felt stupid for believing that a quarterback could love a nerd. But her feelings towards him remained the same. Still, she wondered why Rebecca said he was a featherhead. If that was true, then why was he in advanced robotics. It didn't make any sense, Rebecca knew everything about everyone in Malibu. And she's never been wrong about one person. Jake was nothing like her brother. But she knew one thing, if Jake wasn't a featherhead, then why had he asked for help on a physics assignment? Those in advanced robotics have to have nailed physics to even be in the class. 

Eve's train of thought was interrupted by the ringing of the bell. 
"And remember, your projects are due in two weeks. Class dismissed," Eve's new chemistry teacher was a total try too hard. At least it would be an easy class to pass. Two weeks! Eve could do her project overnight and still get an A.

Eve walked out of the classroom, clutching her books tightly against her chest. She didn't want to run into Jake again, not until she had too. She was almost at the door when suddenly, a pair of hands landed sharply on her shoulders. She gasped and froze like an icicle.  Eyes wide as if she had just come face to face with death. She started breathing in short fast-paced, breaths, her mind racing. 
She turned around and breathed a sigh of relief. It was just Rebecca. 

"Rebecca! Don't scare me like that," exclaimed an exasperated Eve, trying to get her heart rate back to normal.
"Sorry Eve, I was just so excited to tell you something!", beamed a sugar-filled Rebecca.
"What is it?" asked Eve, feeling kinda weird. The surprise had sent a shockwave through her body, though she wasn't sure why. Eve was used to Rebecca's surprises, her hyperactive imagination was what made Rebecca, well Rebecca. The last time her best friend had scared her like that was then they first met in Pre-School.

"I'm having the most awesome, most fantastically amazing, most wild back to school party extravaganza ever!" 
"Really, when?", asked Eve, knowing Rebecca was about to say that anyway.
"This Saturday at the trampoline park!"
Eve frowned at this. She knew she was doing something that day, but she wasn't quite sure what. Maybe it was the party, it had happened at the same time every year since pre-school. After twelve years it was proberly second nature. She shook off the feeling, positive that it was the party she was thinking of. But she still had somewhat of doubt in the back of her mind. It would be a distraction from Jake and that's what she needed right now.
At least that's what she thought she needed.

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