Chapter 4

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The next day, Eve meet Rebecca in the library, she was still panicking about what happened yesterday.

"How on earth am I supposed to be robotics partner with a guy who I can't even look in the eye!"

"Just imagine he's something like a cupcake when you see him," replied Rebecca, stuffing her face with marshmallows.

"Rebecca, I'm serious. He makes me freeze up and giggle when I see him, I felt like I was about to faint during robotics class."

"Well, maybe you should.." Rebecca trailed off.

"Maybe I should what?" asked Eve.

Rebecca nodded to behind Eve's seat. Confused, Eve turned around to see what Rebecca was pointing out. She got startled when she saw Jake walking towards their table, she turned her head sharply, burying herself in a random book. But it was too late, Jake had already seen her.

"Hey, Eve,"  Jake called out to her, with a welcoming smile.

Eve tried to act casual by reading the book she had in front of her, 'The Secret of Cupcakes', she had picked up Rebecca's book by accident!

"Yeah, yeah, very interesting", she muttered under her breath, she turned to face Jake, "Oh, hey Jake", she smiled, trying to cover her nervousness.

"Hey, can I sit with you guys. I don't know anybody else here", he asked.

"Uh, sure."

"Thanks", he sat down next to Eve.

"Ehhh, I've gotta drop some things in my locker, I'll see you guys in English", said Rebecca, packing up her things. Wanting to leave them alone with each other.

"Bye, Rebecca", said Eve, knowing exactly was she was trying to do. Rebecca walked out through the library doors

"So, I was wondering if you could help me out with something?", Jake asked.

"Sure, what is it?", asked Eve, trying to cover how desperate she was.

"Well, the thing is, I'm struggling with an assignment for Physics class and I was wondering if you could help me out. You know, someone told me you were the smartest kid in school, and since we're robotics partners.." he trailed off.

"Oh. Um, sure," replied Eve, disappointed.

"Great, I'll meet you here at lunch?"


"Thanks, see you in Robotics class", he walked out of the library, clueless to Eve's disappointment.

Eve sighed and shook her head. She felt like a piano had just fallen on her head, maybe he is a featherhead after all. A jock who was only friendly to her to get free tutoring. Just like every other boy.

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