Chapter 16 - Confession

Start from the beginning

“How was your day with the girls?” Mag asked when I entered the house smiling. I hadn’t told Mag about our date instead I told her I was going to meet up with Lizzy and Kate.
“It was great. We had a lot of fun” I said smiling, she smiled back then we went to our rooms. I closed my room door and threw myself on the bed. My eyes closed thinking about that passionate kiss I and Jason shared. It was my second first kiss with a guy; my proper first kiss was with my best friend back home but that was more like a taster. The kiss I shared with Jason was filled with an incredible amount of emotion and feeling. I was so relieved that Dave nor Mag came into my room that night otherwise they would have found a girl in her late teens smiling as if she was stuck in a small space with Channing Tatum and Jonny Depp. That also would be a dream come true.

I spent the weekend in agony because Mag forced me to stay home. She made me help her clean the house, go shopping and sort out the back yard. By Sunday I was exhausted therefore I went bed early without once bothering to look at my phone; I had like five messages from Jason.

“Libby! Wake up your late for college” a familiar voice yelled in my ear. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, surprisingly found Jason opening the curtains.  
“Hi” I said smiling sleepily.
“You can say hi later, it’s nearly nine” he said pulling the covers of me showing my revealing body. I looked at him as his wild eyes, eyed my body.
“Jason!” I shouted and threw my pillow at him as I quickly pulled the covers back over me.
“You got ten minutes” he said turning pink and went out my room smiling. I got up and ran to the bathroom trying to move as fast as my little legs could handle. Exactly ten minutes later I zoomed down the stairs, said bye to Mag (Dave was already gone) and headed out.
“Let’s go” I said closing the door behind me. Luckily the drive was quick; we got there in twenty minutes usually it took at least half an hour.
“Shall I see you at the library or pick you up?” Jason asked me as he stopped the car.
“I’ll make my own way” I said, and pecked him on the lips. As I got out the car Kate was waiting at the main gate entertained like a little child.
“What?” I said grabbing her arm. I had to go to reception to sign in as I missed my first lesson. Josh was in the same class so he filled me in. The rest of the day wasn’t too bad except in biology, where I nearly fainted because we had to do heart dissections. I’m not a fan of blood.

It was nearly four when I left college to make my way to the library.  It began to rain half way through my walk which wasn’t great considering the fact that I hadn’t brought along a coat with me. I hurried along the road to get to the library. Finally when I reached I noticed Jason’s car wasn’t parked outside, I took out my phone and sent him a quick text to see where he was. On the way to the work room I only just realised that it was already September. I hadn’t even grasped the idea of how fast this year went. Just as I was about to take my seat the door flung open. Jason had arrived drenched.
“What happened to you?” I asked walking towards him. He was literally soaked to the skin with water.
“My car broke down…so I had to walk” he said through his teeth, shivering.
“Wait here” I said going to the staff room. I grabbed a towel and a plain black full sleeve shirt which reminded me that I must thank Caron for being the most organised person I had ever met. I went inside the room and closed the door, handing Jason the towel. He hesitated, then took off his shirt. There he was, a perfectly irresistible shirtless Jason standing in front of me. I watched him like a hawk as he dried the water off his bare skin. He smiled then held out his hand, at first I just looked at him well more like his body which I must say was a killer. After a couple of minutes of me staring at him I eventually handed him the shirt. The black shirt; that he rolled up its sleeve to display the outline of his toned biceps, his veins almost visible. I watched him as he un-buttoned the top of the shirt revealing a tanned muscular chest. He stood there as I admired him.

“Lobster? You okay?” I only heard a murmur. I felt a tap on my shoulder compelling me snap out of my little day dream.
“What did you say?” I asked trying to act normal even though in reality I was hyperventilating.
“Do you want some water?” he asked this time I heard. I nodded and he gave me a bottle of water. I gulped down the icy cold water trickling down my throat. “Better?” he asked when I handed him the bottle back. I nodded and we sat down. “So how did you sleep last night?” he asked nervously. I spoke once I was in control of my body again.
“Jase, this doesn’t have to be awkward… we’re a couple now” I smiled a warm smile, allowing him to relax. I looked closely at him as his face loosed.
“Does that include me taking you out whenever I want?” I laughed at his comment then nodded. “And that I can… kiss you whenever I like?”
“Jason” I said making a face at him
“What? I need to be sure” I leaned in and held his hand.
“You can do what you want, whenever you want understand?” he smirked at me, making me a little frightened by his smile. He stood up and came to me. The shivers came rushing back, he leaned in closer, enough, that he was hovering over me. He was inches away from my ear.
“You’re ditching college tomorrow… I’m taking you out” he whispered. I looked at him bewildered. “You said so yourself… I can do whatever I want whenever therefore we’re going out. I’ll see you tomorrow morning” he kissed my check then left the room with me hyperventilating again. 

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