In unison, Tommy and Vince point towards Nikki, "All Nikki."

"Oh yeah," Nikki drops everything he's doing and stands up, walking towards towards me and then into my room, "there were so many, I didn't know what else to get. But I got these too." He holds up the box of pads and I raise a brow.

"Ultra." I nod my head. Was he trying to tell me something?

"Is that bad?" He asks, a worried look on his face.

I purse my lips and shrug, "The biggest size."

I watch as his face immediately washes over with pure, immense regret, "Shit, I didn't-"

I shake my head and smile, he clearly couldn't have known any better, "It's fine- Thank you.. for them." I actually appreciated it, "How'd you even know I needed them?"

He pauses for a second, "I didn't. Just went grocery shopping and... walked passed them." Huh, how considerate.

"I'll pay you back, I promise-"

He shakes his head and waves his hand, "No, no, you paid for dinner."

Yeah, I guess I did. Cost me a whole arm and a leg to feed these vultures. "Thanks again, though. Really sweet of you."

"Yeah, no problem-"

"Y/N, get your ass in here!" We both hear Tommy yell from the living room and we're both just as confused as to why the hell he's screaming my name... that sounded weird.

Nikki and I walk back into the living room and don't see anything out of the ordinary, "Yeah?"

"Get some food, before we eat it all." I smile... these guys were actually really sweet. Nikki leaves me to go sit in his spot and I sit next to Vince, grabbing a plate from the pile and adding some food from each box.

"What'd you guys do today?" I ask, just striking up conversation- not that I felt like I needed to but I might as well get cozy with them... I had a hunch that I would be living here for a long time.

"Hung up a few flyers." Vince says with a mouth full of food and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Flyers for what?" I ask cluelessly. They all seem to give me the same look, like I should know what they're talking about.

"Our band?" Oh! Pfft. Whoops. I don't know how I forgot- hey, it's not my fault, I got roommate profiles scattered all in my brain- it's like a fucked up data base that ran out of storage. I'm sure after a couple months, it'll reset and then I'll be back to clean slate.

"Oh, are you guys performing somewhere?"

"Yeah, The Whiskey, you should come, no charge." Nikki pipes up. I think I heard of The Whiskey before, never went in there though.

I smile at the invite, free of charge, huh, not bad. "Yeah, I'll be there." Vince pulls out a piece of paper from his back pocket and hands it to me, "Oh, is that the flyer?"

I unravel it and... whew, these boys cleaned up nicely. "Yeah, our first photo shoot." They definitely fit into the glam rock scene.

"Oh, nice." I nod, a photo shoot was a good sign, meant they were getting somewhere, right? I see a fourth person in the flyer and I don't recognise him at all, but I do remember the guys talking about another member, "Is that the other guy in your band?"

"Oh, yeah. Mick." I squint my eyes to investigate the picture closer.

"How old-"

"Old enough." Tommy laughs and so do the others. Yeah, sure looked that way. But, seriously, I wonder how old he actually was.

"Aside from working a maid, what else do you do?" Vince asks and I can't help but be confused by the vague question.

"What do you mean? Like hobbies?" I ask to clarify and he shrugs as a 'sure', hmm "Nothing really."

He tilts his head with a lil' smile, "There has to be something."

"What d'you do in your spare time?" Tommy intervenes. I liked watching movies... I guess I always wanted to be in one one day or like a show or something, I don't know.

"I always liked acting, I guess-"

"Alright, we got the next Marilyn Monroe on our hands." Tommy claps his hands. Ha, I wish.

I smile a little but shake my head, "I haven't done anything, but I liked to think that's where I would end up." I look down to my feet, "I don't know though, I mean, I'm a fucking maid struggling to find a permanent place to live." The room goes a little quiet and I curse myself for ruining the mood.

"You gotta have a little hope." Vince encourages with a shrug and though it was so simple sounding, it really resonated with me. That is all I really needed... hope. "And besides, you're not struggling to find a place to live- you got us now."

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora