Case 4 Part 3

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Jo had gotten lost watching the ripples in her coffee, her chin resting on her arms which sat on top of the table in the police office. Her nail tapped against the table with a sharp noise, her brain racing while simultaneously getting off track.

After Mr. Wolf had helped with the briefing, the police chief had lead them to the ADU, an administration packed with white men who had a tendency to blame the Indians for everything. Hotch and Morgan has spoken to Roy Minton, the leader of the ADU, who, not surprisingly, was adamant at blaming the Apache. The BAU had put him under surveillance though they didn't think him a suspect, hoping he would lead them to who could have possibly committed the crime.

Soon after, Garcia had found the sixth victim. Ingrid Grieson, a 19 year old girl who had not been found on the scene, leading the BAU to believe she was the victim of abduction. Presently, Jo was waiting for a call from anyone telling her the next move, as they had just gone to meet up with Ingrid's father, as well as going through her room to try and profile her from what they could find.

Snapping her out of her mind, per usual, was Reid, whose phone began to ring. He flipped it open and put it to his ear.

"Hello? Yeah. Really? Okay." Jo watched his expression as the call went on. His brow was furrowed, then raised, then relaxed, then furrowed again. His lips were relaxed, then pursed, then pulled thin, then relaxed.

"What's up?" She asked once he put his phone back in his pocket. He sighed softly.

"Well, we know who has Ingrid, and we also know why someone has Ingrid: her father paid someone to take her." Jo's mouth fell open.

"What?" Reid shook his head and shrugged. The two of them sat in slight silence, sometimes starting small conversations until the rest of the team returned with the supposed kidnappers, taking them into interrogation rooms. After speaking to the two of them, it was discovered that Mr. Grieson hired them in order to keep Ingrid safe, and they didn't kill anyone.

Jo, Reid, and Morgan headed down the hallway of the hospital Ingrid was being kept in, Jo fixing her eyes on her boots, Reid fixing his eyes on Jo, and Morgan fixing his eyes on Reid. The three of them seemed to be the personification of awkward, and they all loosened when Morgan's phone rang and they reached the hospital room.

"It's Garcia." Morgan announced.

"Take it, Jo and I can talk to Ingrid." Reid suggested, Jo nodding.

"You sure?"

"Positive." Jo piped up with a soft smile. Morgan answered the call and walked off, leaving Reid and Jo to enter the room together.

Ingrid Grieson was pretty to say the least, with naturally curly blonde hair and full lips. Even her eyebrows seemed naturally clean, and she had a thin nose that complimented her slightly rounded cheeks perfectly. Her stare took all of that away, however. Her expression made her almost deceased-looking. Jo felt a chill run up her spine.

"Hello, Ingrid." Reid greeted, Jo sent her a polite nod. The two of them took out their identification, and Ingrid's eyes flicked in their direction, the rest of her body staying unmoving. "I'm Dr. Spencer Reid, this is Dr. Joey Starling, we're with the FBI. We were wondering if you could-"

"Grieson, Ingrid. 943249487." Ingrid cut Reid off in a monotonous tone, stating her name and a series of numbers as if she were reading.

"I'm sorry?" Jo said softly. Ingrid turned her full head in their direction this time, her tone more agitated than before.

"Grieson, Ingrid. 943249487." Jo stared at Ingrid, studying her, before her hand was grabbed by Reid, and she was pulled from the room, letting out a soft "hey-!" As protest.

"Did you know those numbers? What do you think they mean??" She asked.

"I don't know, hold on." Her hand remained in his as he stopped walking, his eyes moving to show Jo he was thinking.

"It's her social security number." He said. Jo met his eyes.

"Like a prisoner of war.." she mumbled softly, and Reid nodded. Morgan joined them and Jo caught him up with what they had learned. Morgan did the same with them, explaining how Ingrid hadn't been in school for over a year, despite her good grades. Morgan reported their information to Hotch, and the three of them left the hospital.

((Shorter chapter this time, I apologize for slow updates and I promise to keep this going more fluidly!!))

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