Case 1: Part 5

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    Jo sat next to Reid in the car while they sped to the hospital. Gideon and Detective Calvin were sat at the front, discussing the logistics of the not-so-un-unsub. Still nervous, Jo lightly fiddled with her hands that were placed in her lap. Reid sent looks over her way every now and then, but she never turned to look at him, not wanting to worry him any more than she did on the jet earlier.

"I believe it's a case of "Hero Homicide"' Gideon told the detective.

"What's that?" She asked.

"The best known case was hospital nurse Richard Angelo. He would inject toxins into his victims, then wait for them to crash so that he could run to the rescue and save them." Reid said. Jo nodded.

"He killed 25 people, or 25 people that we know of." She added on, a shudder running up her spine.

"If he attacked them so he could save them, why'd he kill 25 people?" The detective asked. Gideon shrugged.

"He wasn't very good at it."

"Hospitals don't keep records of patients who almost died." Said Reid.

"So what's the profile on one of these guys?"

"Arrogant, conceited, the feeling of superiority to all that are around them." Jo recited. Detective Calvin chuckled.

"You just described every surgeon I've ever met." She mumbled, Jo smiling. Gideon sat silently for a minute, before somewhat of a realization hit him.

"Landman." He said, flipping open his phone to call Hotch. Jo and Reid exchanged looks, both of them unbeknownst to who "Landman" even was. They pulled up to the hospital, Gideon getting out of the front seat and walking around to open the door for Jo, who muttered a thanks and stepped to the side to let Reid out. "Call Weigart and tell him we need a discreet perimeter around this block." Gideon ordered Calvin, who followed his instructions.

"I'm gonna go check out Landman's car." Hotch said, driving off as the rest of the BAU entered the hospital, following Gideon into a fancy-looking conference room, each of them sitting down. Morgan pulled a piece of paper out of a folder he was holding.

"I got this from Garcia, Landman was in the army, he started out in M.P. School."

"There's the law enforcement part." Elle said.

"But he was smart, got a degree on Uncle Sam, and ended up a doctor with special forces and bounced around hospitals since he was discharged in 2001." Morgan finished. Jo chewed on the end of her pencil anxiously.

"Has Dr. Landman been under any unusual strain? Like a reprimand? Or a major blow to his ego?" Gideon asked the hospital's main doctor, a woman in her mid-30s with short hair and hoop earrings.

"Last month, he was passed over for chief of surgery." She said.

"Let's get a warrant for his house and see if we can find the weapon." Gideon ordered Morgan, who nodded and stood up, leaving the room.

"What can I do to help?" The woman asked.

"You can tell me where he is right now." Said Gideon.

Come Downstairs and Say Hello; S.R.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora