Case 2: Part 1

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Just as Jo had gotten used to, her weekend blew by like the winter in Florida. And early the next morning, she was off on a train to Texas. Being the Psych-expert, she was assigned a meeting with William Devries, a child murderer who surprisingly agreed to a vicap questionnaire section of a custodial interview.

Even she knew it was quite early in her FBI career that she was allowed to do the interview, but she let it flatter instead of worry her, knowing that Hotch was expecting the best from her.

She flipped through Devries' files, reading each page as if it were her lifeline. She turned the page to see the 5th dead child that day and sighed, taking out her phone and dialing Gideon, putting the phone to her ear and looking out the window.


"Hey, Gideon, it's me."

"Is Devries cooperating?"

"I won't even arrive for an hour. I didn't want to rent a car so I took the train. At least this way I can look over the files more."

"Remember: He can't lie to you-"

"-If I know the crime better than he does." Jo smiled, memorizing Gideon's words due to the fact she had been told them maybe 50 times.

"I'm a bit swamped over here-" Gideon began to cut out, Jo guessing that the cell reception had gotten messed up.

"Gideon? You're breaking up."

"Can we talk when you get back?"

"Yeah, of course, tomorrow."

"Joey, I'm sor-" Gideon completely cut out, and Jo sighed, hanging up the phone. She reopened the case files, making sure she "knew the crime". She pulled her knees up to her chest and was about to turn the next page when the train screeched to a halt and she lurched forward, grabbing on to the seat before her to keep her from falling out of her seat.

"What the hell was that?" A young man stood, taking one of his earbuds out. A guard walked in to the car, reassuring everyone.

"Everything's alright, folks. Everyone relax, you'll all be just fine."

"What happened?" Jo asked.

"Nothing, Ma'am." The guard looked down at her and saw the FBI's name on her file, bending down. "You on the job?"

"Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, yes." Jo responded, turning to the guard.

"Suicide. Someone jumped in front of the train." Jo's eyes went wide.

" there anything I can do?"

"Unfortunately we have this procedure down quite well." The guard said, and Jo nodded solemnly, taking the time to go back to her files as the guard continued to calm everyone down. "Everyone just take your seats, everything's gonna be okay." Jo looked up just as the guard stood in front of a middle-aged man's seat. The man suddenly stood up and grabbed the gun from the guards holster. Jo jumped to her feet as the man fired twice at the guard. Everyone else on the train stood as well.

"Oh my god!" A woman gasped. Jo saw the man start to beeline towards her and she put up her hands.

"Woah, hey, it's alright. Nobody wants to hurt you. You don't have to hurt anyone else." Before she could finish speaking, the man hit her in the back of the head with the gun and she yelled, collapsing into her seat and scratching her cheek on the way down. The man rushed to her, grabbing her gun from her. He began to point the gun at Jo, the other gun in his left hand being pointed around the room.

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