The End of Case 1

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A sigh escaped Joeys lips, her headache worsened by the flashing lights of the ambulance as she held an ice pack to the back of her head. She held the zip-tie that was immobilizing her awhile back in her other hand, looking down at it to try and recount all that had happened. JJ and Elle had visited, both of them exchanging hugs with Jo and telling her just how glad they were that she was okay. Morgan came by next, expressing how impressed with her he was while also teasing her about a number of things. The ambulance shifted when Hotch sat down next to her, and she sent him a small smile.

"Hey." She greeted.

"Hey." He said back. Joey frowned, putting her ice pack in her lap.

"I'm sorry I tried to interfere a couple of times. I guess I just flipped out a bit."

"Don't worry about that, if anything it kept him believing the act. I'm sorry for calling you out like that." He responded, and Jo laughed, leaning against the side of the ambulance.

"No, you were right. Maybe if I focused on myself only, I'd be a better profiler."

"I disagree."

"You do?"

"We each need our individual strengths at the BAU. Your compassion for those you care about is what makes you strong, not what makes you weak."

" think so?"

"I know so."

"You know...I hope I can be like you someday." Joey looked down, a soft smile on her face as she spoke. Hotch smiled.

"I'm sure you'll end up better." He pat her shoulder.

"Is Spencer okay?" She asked, her concern clear in her voice. Hotch smiled wider, taking his hand off her shoulder.

"Why don't you go ask him yourself? He's just about as worried for you as you are for him." He stood up, and Joey did the same.

"Thanks, Hotch."

"Good work today."

The ambulance where Spencer was wasn't a far walk away from where Jo had been, and no longer than a minute later she was standing before him, a sympathetic smile on her face when she saw he was holding his stomach.

"May I?"

"Of course." Jo sat beside him, both of them avoiding eye contact with each other and deciding to stare at their knees instead. "You know, you don't have to worry about me like that.." Reid trailed off.

"I know."

"But...thanks. For helping me..for everything, really." He said softly. Jo smiled.

"You're pretty awesome, pushing through a beating like that...I would've cried." She said, attempting to lighten the mood like usual.

"I'm just used to it, I guess..." Jo frowned, her eyes meeting his hand that he now had near his side. She gently put her hand on top of his and he jumped a bit, before looking at her. She smiled awkwardly, and he did the same, both of them then turning away from each other. Boy, if Morgan could see us now.

"That was a pretty sweet shot." Reid chuckled under his breath, meeting Joes eyes once more.

"I was aiming for his leg." He confessed. Jo huffed out a "pfff-" before bursting into a fit of giggles and leaning her head on his shoulder, Reid beginning to laugh with her, until they were a sight for sore eyes: a pair of lovestruck, nerdy kids laughing all over each other. Once the laughter died down, Jo noticed a gun laying on Reid's lap. She made a "Huh" noise, gently hitting his shoulder.

"Does whoever gave you that know where you were aiming~?" She teased. Reid gave her his infamous half-smile, and put his hand over the gun.

"Hotch gave it to me." He said, "I hope he made the right choice."

"He did." Jo reassured him, "and, hey, you can always call me up if you wanna practice. I'm free on weekends." She sent him a wink, and he laughed.

She laughed too.

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