You let out an audible exhale in relief as they all laugh at you.


You sat on one of the metal chairs out on the balcony, with a lit cigarette between your fingers.

Unpacking was such a bitch, you hated it. It wasn't so much the physical aspect, but more so the mental. All that you could think of was having to do all this just to possibly repack days later when you find out that this probably isn't the right place for you and you would just be right back at square one.

You hear the front door open and look up to see Nikki. You offer him a dainty smile as he joins you in the chair opposite you. He lit up one of his own cigarettes and you couldn't help, but just stare as he did so. He was really pretty.

"Scare you off yet?" He asks after blowing out a plume of smoke.

"Not yet." You quipped with a smile. You didn't know what it was, but being around Nikki got you all smiley. You think it was his smile, he had a cute smile.

"We're not that bad." He assures.

"You're a strange bunch, but probably the best roommates I've had in a while." What you say gets him thinking, and now it's like he's trying to read you.

"You house hop?" His question makes you look down to your fingers. House hopper. It was something your mother had called you before... but Nikki didn't need to know about that whole ordeal.

"I could never keep up with the rent that most were asking for and when I could, there was usually a reason why." You briefly explain, "This place is cheap, but it's not bad... plus, you guys are pretty cool." He smiles at the compliment and before he can say anything in reply, the front door opens and Tommy's sticking his head out.

"Pizza for dinner?"


Y'all now sit on the floor, around the coffee table that displayed the 4 boxes of pizza that you had ordered.

"Well, what do you wanna know?" You ask after being told to tell them a bit about myself. Really, you knew exactly what to talk about- having been through this process millions of times with previous roommates, you just needed a moment to think about what exactly you wanted to tell them.

"Everything and anything." Tommy says with a mouthful of pizza.

"What do you do?" Nikki starts off with a legitimate question to get you started, but it wasn't exactly the one you were most fond of answering.

"Uhm..." You trail off, trying to figure out if you were comfortable in telling 3, presumably, horny boys, what your occupation was.

"Uh oh, this is gonna be good." Vince chuckled, even more interested than before. Well, you guessed that you would be staying here for a while and these guys were pretty chill so might as well just tell them. They were gonna find out one way or another, and you'd rather tell them face to face rather than them make assumptions.

"I'm a maid... at the Millennium Biltmore." You offer a sheepish smile and watch their reactions... so far, so good.

"Oh, that's not so bad." Vince shrugs, looking over at the other guys who are deep in thought. Fuck, you thought. You know the question's coming, you just know it.

"Do you have to wear-"

"Yes." You sigh, and watch as a smirk forms on his face, "And no, I'm not putting it on."

"You get asked to do that a lot?" Vince intervenes, finally getting the gist of why you didn't want to tell them in the first place.

"You don't even know." You shake your head. Especially the amount of roommates that asked! "What's up with maid fantasies anyway? Being a maid isn't sexy, we literally clean up mess and trash."

"Probably like- the idea of being in power and being dominant over a girl." Nikki finally joins in on the conversation, taking you by surprise with his answer... Oh, God, did Nikki have a maid fantasy? You were just starting to like him!

"I think it's hot." Tommy shrugs, and you roll your eyes, of course he does, "The uniform's cute." You made a mental note to never wear your uniform in front of Tommy.

You didn't even notice how comfortable you had gotten around the three boys. Yeah, obviously that whole ordeal that just occured was... never to be spoken of again, but besides that these guys were really nice!

Plus, they confirmed your suspicions of them being in a band! Isn't that so cool? That was one thing they hadn't told you, a con to living with them was having to listen to them practice. But you were pretty fond of music so you didn't mind.


"You good? Not gonna run away while we're sleeping?" Vince asks at the door of your bedroom, getting ready to turn off the light per your request.

"You caught me." You jested, raising your hands in defeat.

"If you need anything, you know where to find me." You nod in comprehension, but in reality, you forgot which bedroom was his, "Goodnight, doll face!" He switches off the light and flees.

"'Night Vince." You call out anyway, shutting your eyes... only to have to open them again when there's a bang at your doorway.

"Hey, so where's your maid outfit?" You look to see Tommy's tall figure standing at the doorway and since he can't see your face, you kindly flip him off, making him laugh, "I'm totally fucking with ya. Nighty Night."

"'Night Tommy." You smile. Even though Tommy could be a total perv, he was funny. Had good vibes. He was kinda cute because he was kinda dumb too. Oh, shit, was that mean?

"Nikki stop choking your chicken and say goodnight to Y/N!" You hear Tommy yell and you furrow your brows... choking a chicken?

A flush of a toilet follows after and that's when you see Nikki's silhouette come into view... and he's zipping his fly. "God, I was takin' a piss, man." He mutters before sticking his head into your room, "Goodnight Y/N."

"Goodnight Nikki." You give him a small wave of the hand before finally being able to sleep.

Roomies | Nikki Sixx, Tommy Lee and Vince NeilWhere stories live. Discover now