I | Eggnog Corpse

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The Seven Social Sins are:
Wealth without work.
Pleasure without conscience.
Knowledge without character.

-Frederick Lewis Donaldson


EMILY  Blue, the college girl with high expectations towards how the world around her works. She walked down the hallway of the building as a big sign of ENOC Corp -a British company in Seoul- erected on the wall above a door to a waiting room.

Today is the day. After three years working on a respective project, Blue now have enough courage to meet the good ending of the hectic 36 months. And if she was lucky enough, she'll get a good fee to earn and not starve herself.

Even better, if ENOC Corp do have the will to invest on Blue's project, she can finally have her parents pride.

Now waiting in the huge high ceiling room, her palms can't help but sweats and her fingers fiddling with the edge of her black skirt. She glanced around the room with anticipation, excitement, and nerves, until the sound of the door clicking caught her attention.

"Ms. Blue?" The tall woman spoke in a pure British accent. She looked professional with a high neat bun, navy knee-length dress, and her ID card pinned on the right side of her clothed chest.

Blue felt like a skank with her white shirt tucked in her black pencil skirt.

"Yes, it's me." Blue called out, her voice cracked in the end. The other woman looked up from the papers and glanced at Blue.

"The CEO called."

"O-okay," Blue mentally smack herself for ridiculously stuttering. "I mean, thank you." She cleared her throat. "Where to?" The girl asked politely as she stood up, holding her project files tightly against her chest. She walked hastily towards the door, eager to know the amount of investment.

"The office. Highest floor."

Afte thanking the woman, she immediately ran towards the elevator and bit her lower lip hard enough not to burst out a shout of excitement.

Blue POV

"I- uh, pardon?" I asked the man across the table infront of me. My nervousness now long gone and replaced by the itching of my hands to punch the hell out of his crinkled face.

What did he just say? He did not-

"We're not willing to invest on your project, Ms. Blue." Alvon, the old man said like it's not a big deal. That damned bald head is really getting in my nerves.

So after two hours I spent for presenting my project infront of him, and all he does is sit, and he didn't even let out any praising to my project, he just easily rejected it. What a dog.

"And why is that?" My tone a little higher than it should. But freak that, this cocky old man is really getting on my nerves with his ugly smirk.

"Because it's bad." Did he just- fuck he simply shrugged infront of me after humiliating my grand project.

I looked at him right in his eyes, mine started welling up in tears. I can't believe this, I just can't. After three years of hard work, and this is what I get?

"Fine. Fuck this Eggnogg Corpse. I'm out."


Ola! Omg I'm a little unsure to post another update cuz... as I can see on the viewing section, there are... literally no reader. But, maybe a couple more chapters then I will reconsider on deleting the story

Wish me luck cupcakes!

Thx for reading 💜💜

29/08/21 EDIT: I AM SO SORRY SO SO SORRY FOR LEAVING U GUYS HANGING school have been shitting on me for the past few months and the preparation for examinations arent helping at all, tho i know that cant really justify my act im so sorry u guys, BUT THANK U SO MUCH FOR WAITING FOR ME! love u guys so much,

hope you guys are taking care of your body, physically and mentally. If you're going through a hard time please never blame yourself, im here for you.


Story Text Edit: Sunday, August 29, 2021

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