Moving In

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Mr. Harding gets a little enthusiastic about moving everyone into the theatre.

Paige gets roped into helping Mr. Harding carry all of his papers down. She walks behind him, struggling under the weight, and trying to listen to him prattle enthusiastically about the lighting and the sets and the costumes. They've been rehearsing in small, cramped rooms for three weeks, and Paige can tell how excited Mr. Harding is to get them all on the stage.

It's the Sunday of the third week of rehearsals, and since they're not supposed to be in the theater til Tuesday, that's a sure indication of his impatience to get things rolling.

They're halfway down the steps to the lobby (all the backstage routes into the theatre are being clogged up by set pieces and costume racks and everything else in the process of being moved to the dressing rooms or backstage) when Lara comes rushing up the stairs, almost knocking Mr. Harding over.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" she says in a rush, jumping back and almost falling back down the stairs when Mr. Harding reaches out to steady her. "I wasn't looking and I'm sorry I'm late and-" She breaks off, looking past Mr. Harding at the pile in Paige's arms. "Where are you going?"

"We're heading into the theatre today," Mr. Harding says, sounding as proud as someone would after winning twenty Tony awards.

Paige watches Lara frown, looking thoroughly confused. "But... it's Sunday."

"Exactly!" Mr. Harding exclaims, continuing down the stairs, past a still befuddled Lara.

The two girls follow at a slower pace, Lara taking some of Paige's heavy load. "Thanks," Paige exhales. "So... where have you been?"

Lara peers at Paige, who has the uncanny feeling that she's being thoroughly scrutinized before she's provided with an answer. "I have family coming to town this week," Lara says quietly. "My parents wanted me to help them get things ready for them."

"Oh," Paige says. "Are you going to be missing any rehearsals this week? You know, we've been pardoned from school on Thursday and Friday."

"I know," Lara says, sounding frustrated. "I can make it on Thursday on Friday, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to come for the rest."

It's Paige's turn to frown. "Mr. Harding's going to blow a fuse," she whispers. "The closer we get to opening, the more bipolar he gets. He spent half of rehearsal yesterday running around talking to the set people and the sound people and the lighting people. They're all so busy I've barely seen any of them. And none of the writers have shown up for a while, which probably means that either they're done butting in or Mr. Harding has booted them all out of the theatre."

"Or they're busy with rewrites," Lara says.

Paige groans, but before they can continue the conversation they catch up to Mr. Harding, who's stopped in the open door into the theatre itself.

"This is still heavy, you know," Paige grunts, trying to drop a hint.

She sees Mr. Harding visibly relax in front of her. "We're good," he says, relieved. "The set's in place, the costumes are done, the makeup is planned. We're good. Come on in, girls."

Paige and Lara exchange looks before following Mr. Harding into the theater.

"Oh, wow," Lara breathes.

Paige dumps her stuff on the floor, staring at the set. They've got the set for the restroom on, which is only in three small scenes and is really a minor set, but which looks absolutely astounding. It looks like an exact replica of the girls' restroom at school... except more theatrical-looking.

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