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Alica: We need to have a wedding!
Sally: *looks at Slender and Trender* Please!
Trender: Of course!~ I shall go make the wedding dress!~
Slender: I don't know why I am agreeing to this...
Alica: Because you also want to see Jeff marry Alyss!~
Slender: Of course...
Alica: And because Sally asked you to!
Slender: Oh, yes, that is correct.
Alica: Let's get this wedding started, Slendwer!!
Slender: Do not call me that...
Alica: I call you what I want, Slendwer!~
Trender: *dragging Alyss in wearing a white wedding dress, veil, and all* This is going to be a fabu wedding!~
Alyss: I take it I don't get a choice.
Trender, Sally, and Alica: NOPE!~
Alyss: Dude. It's been, like, an hour. We have been together for an hour.
Trender: *goes and drags Jeff whom is wearing a tuxedo, and has his hair combed back*
Jeff: WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!?!???!!!?!!??!?!!!!?!?!!???!?!?!?!?!!?!?!!
Alyss: We got together, and within the hour, everyone has arranged our wedding. That's all I'm getting.
Jeff: Wait? Like a REAL wedding?
Alyss: I have no idea.
Zalgo: Yes. I was invited.
Alyss: Ahh...
Zalgo: So... Are you two a thing?
Alyss: Yes.
Zalgo: Lovely...
Jeff: Are you jealous?
Zalgo: *slowly turn to Jeff with a glare*
Alyss: I would assume that's a "yes".
Zalgo: Why wouldn't I be jealous?
Alyss: You broke it off. Back the fuck up!
Zalgo: Jeff. You have to deal with this. Good luck.
Liu: *walks over to Jeff* Hello, big bro..
Jeff: Hey. You here too.
Liu: Yep. *points at Alica* She invited me.
Alica: *waves to Jeff and Liu happily, giving them two thumbs up*
Jeff: Why? It's been an hour...
Alyss: I feel ya... At least you get to go in the attic.
Jeff: You have the entire attic, don't you?
Alyss: Yepper Doodles!~
Liu: Well then... I wish you both a happy wedding...
Alica: *brings in a giant cake, and many presents*
Alyss: Should I be scared?
Alica: Yes. Very, very scared.~
Jeff: Why is this happening to us?
Alyss: We have incredibly bad luck.
Jeff: Makes sense.

-TIME SKIP: RECEPTION- (a/n: because weddings are kinda boring and I laughed at my sisters wedding when everyone was crying XD)

Everyone: *eating and talking about... stuff... some are dancing, but not many*
Alica: Let's have a toast to the happy couple!~ They are adorable together, so give a round of applause to ALEFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alyss and Jeff: *hiding as everyone claps*
Everyone: *drinks their refreshment*
(A/N: Since Sally is there, no champagne is being served)
L.J.: *walks up to Alica* Hey, there.~
Alyss: E.J. just dared L.J. to talk to Alica. Wanna plan their wedding?
Jeff: Hell yes.
Alica: *smiles* Hello!
E.J.: *laughing in background*
Alica: *sitting there, getting stared down by L.J., awkwardly*
L.J.: E.J. wanted me to talk to you... I really don't know how to start a conversation...
Alica: Well, you started a conversation. You said "hello."
L.J.: *scratches back of head* I guess I did, huh?
Alica: Yup.... This is awkward...
L.J.: Yeah. *nods awkwardly*
Alica: *sighs* You can sit down... I guess.
L.J.: *sits down silently*
Alyss: L.J. is such a dork, isn't he?
Jeff: Yep.
Alyss: He needs to get together with Alica.
Jeff: Wanna play matchmaker?
Alyss: Of course.
Alica: *sitting there awkwardly with L.J.*
L.J.: *Fiddling with thumbs*

Alica: *making breakfast for everyone*
L.J.: *trying to help Alica*
Slender: *walks in wearing p.j. bottoms* What? I was about to make breakfast...
L.J.: *points at Alica* She was up first.
Alica: WHAT?!
Slender: L.J. Be nice.
L.J.: I was being honest...
Slender: I know, but that's not the way to do it.
L.J.: O-okay...
Alica: *whispers* Adorkable.~
L.J.: What?
Slender: I don't know...
Offender: She called you cute.~~
L.J.: *turns red*
Alica: Offender! *blushes lightly*
Offender: It does mean cute. Dorks are cute, and adorable means cute... Adorkable.~~
Alica: *throws spatula at Offender* Go away! *face a light pink*
Alyss and Jeff: *walk in*
Offender: You two do the frick-frack yet?~~
Alyss: No.
Jeff: We've known each other for a week!
Offender: But you're married.~~
Alyss: So????
Jeff: Dude. We are not 100% comfortable with each other yet.
Alyss: No smut, yet. Give us a while. (4th wall break stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Offender: But...~~~
Alyss: Perv. No.
Jeff: Alyss?
Alyss: Yes?
Jeff: You are being really calm about this.
Alyss: I try.~
Alica: *standing behind Offender with a frying pan*
Offender: *walks out of room*
Alica: *still standing there with frying pan* PANCAKES. ARE. DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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