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-A Week Later-
Alica: *playing with Sally*
Alyss: *wearing a change of Jeff's clothes due to having nothing else to wear.*
Slender: *wearing pink apron and cleaning the mansion while baking cookies and making a pie*
The Slender Bros: BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alyss: Morning, Jeff.
Jeff: Morning. *waves and goes to get coffee* *is holding knife on other hand*
Slender: *groans* Hello, Brothers.
Offender: *smirks evilly and licks his lips* I smell some new people.~~
Trender: Little Brother, are you seriously wearing... that. *points disgustingly at pink apron*
Splendor: Hello, Bro! *smiles happily*
Alyss: *looks up at Offender* 'Sup.
Alica: *looks at Offender suspiciously*
Alyss: Why do you have the suspicious look?
Offender: Because I do. Who are you?
Alyss: Alyss. I have a feeling that you need to chill before some shit goes down. Back off.
Offender: Ooo. Feisty.
Alyss: Shut the fuck up.
Alica: I'm still here, you know.
Alyss: I don't give a damn.
Alica: *whimpers*
Offender: *gets too close to Alyss for comfort*
Alyss: What do you think you're doing?
Offender: Checking out the fresh meat.~~
Alyss: Look somewhere else. I don't have time for this shit.
Offender: You do if I say you do.
Alyss: *laughs* I call bullshit.~
Slender: *gets between Offender and Alyss* Now, I do not want to see blood on my freshly cleaned rug! So, no fighting in MY mansion!
Alica: Um... Slender the clothes are on fire.
Slender: E.J.!!!!!
E.J.: *puts out fire*
Alyss: Why is E.J. putting out the fire?
E.J.: I was closest to the fire extinguisher, and I always carry a mini one with me.
Alyss: Aah...
Offender: Slender.
Slender: Yes.
Offender: I like this one.~~
Slender: Be nice, will you?
Offender: Why not? *goes away*
Splendor: *plays tea party with Sally*
Trender: *drags Alica away to make new outfits*
Alica: *gives Alyss a "save me" look*
Alyss: You'll be fine.
Jeff: *enters room* What did I miss?
Alyss: There was this dude in a fedora and trench coat in my face, clothes were on fire, and some guy dressed all snazzy dragged Alica off.
Jeff: Wait? Offender?
Slender: Yes.
Jeff: *sits next to Alyss*
Alyss: *leans on Jeff and dozes off*

-With Alica-
Alica: *trying on different outfits*
Trender: *saying no to every outfit* Darling, we need to find you something suitable to wear.
Alica: *sighs* I really like the red and black dress.
Trender: Hmm, that is perfect!!!
Alica: *puts on red and black dress*
Trender: Now, go show Slender!~
Alica: Fine. *walks out*
Trender: *wipes away invisible tear* They grow up so fast..

-In The Kitchen-
Sally: Daddy Slendy! Can I have some candy now?
Slender: Not right now, Sally.
Sally: *walks into living room and squeals* AWWWWWW! SO CUTE!!!!!!! *takes pictures of Jeff and Alyss*
Jeff: *had fallen asleep and was awakened by a squealing Sally* *shakes Alyss awake*
Alyss: *looks at Jeff* What was that for?
Jeff: Sally's taking pictures.
Alyss: *looks at Sally* Why?
Sally: You two are cute! Can you get together?
Alyss: Can I wake up before I have this conversation?
Sally: Sure.
Alyss: ...

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