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-Slender Mansion-
Jeff: SHE PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Slender: I know, Jeffery.
Slender: I will call you what I want, child.
Jeff: *growls angrily* I ain't gonna go back there.
Slender: Yes, you are. Now go.
Jeff: Make BEN do it! I need to go on a killing spree!
Slender: You can go on a killing spree after you get her answer!
Jeff: FINE!
Alica and Alyss: *barges into mansion*
Alica: YELLOW!
Alyss: Alica? Where exactly is this? *turns to Slender* Forgive my rudeness.
Alica: *acting like a happy-go-lucky child*
Slender: This is Slender Mansion. Why are you here?
Alyss: I was dragged here. *sees Jeff* I like your face.
Jeff: *whispers* Oh, no. Another fangirl.
Alyss: Wha? Anyway! Mr...
Slender: Slenderman.
Alica: SLENDY!
Alyss: Mr. Slenderman. How do I get out of the forest? I have absolutely no idea how I - no, sorry, we - got here.
Slender: Just go straight.
Alyss: Thank you. *turns to leave*
Slender: Miss, would you like some tea?
Alyss: *turns around* Me?
Slender: Yes.
Alyss: Yes, please.
Alica: *acting all drunk, but isn't*
Slender: *gives Alyss tea*
Alyss: Thank you. *notices Jeff eyeing her down with what is assumed to be a defensive glare* Is that real? The cuts on your face?
Alica: *tackles Jeff* JEFWEY!
Jeff: GET OFF!
Alyss: *pulls Alica off of Jeff and helps him up* Sorry about the question. It was nosy and I'm sorry if I offended you.

Jeff: Why would you ask if it was real?
Alyss: It looks amazing! My curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to know.
Jeff: You... don't know?
Alyss: Am I supposed to?
Jeff: I thought you were a fangirl. Only they like my face.
Alica: THEY DON'T LIKE YOUR FACE! THEY LOVE YOUR FACE! *runs in wearing Masky's mask*

(A/N: I know Masky and Hoodie are not CP's They still play a part in the stories)

Alyss: Oh. I hadn't realized. I'm not from the planet. I've only been here about two months and I normally don't ask a lot of question when I'm unfamiliar with where I am. But this place seems a bit more... peaceful? That isn't the right word...
Jeff: *smiles*
Masky: *runs in* ALICA, GIVE ME MY MASK!!!
Alica: NEVER!!!!!!!!
Slender: Alyss. I think the word you're looking for is comfortable.
Alyss: But it sounds odd.
Jeff: I like your accent.
Slender: That was rude.
Alyss: It's fine.
Slender: Are you sure?
Alyss: Yes.
Jeff: How was it rude?
Alyss: It's fine.
Toby, Masky, and Hoodie: *chasing Alica around Mansion*
Jeff: Can she stay?
Slender: It's up to her, Jeffery.
Alyss: Is that an offer?
Slender: Yes.
Alyss: Okay. Zalgo also told me to tell Alica to pick you guys over him, which is probably why we are here. And I would follow her into Hell if that's where she wanted to go. Even Purgatory. And besides, Zalgo said he saw the future, and that it isn't his place to be there, so I needed to leave anyway.
Slender: Then why would you try to go?
Alyss: I'm sure I'd be able to make my way.
Jeff: So, you're staying, right?
Slender: They both are.
Alica: YAYZEERS!!! *hugs Slender's leg* Jeff! Alyss! You guys are a match made in Heleven.
Alyss: You mean the Wrong Side of Heaven and the Righteous Side of Hell?
Jeff: Five Finger Death Punch?
Alyss: That is an amazing band.
Alica: *fallen asleep hugging Slender*

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