Chapter 17

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Overall, Mike couldn't be happier with how lunch goes.

When they arrive at their favourite diner Harvey is already there waiting for them. He seems ridiculously out of place in his immaculate suit and perfectly styled hair and Mike struggles not to laugh at the sight. Harvey visibly relaxes when he spots them enter and it helps to ease Mike's nerves.

"Hi Harvey!" Matt runs towards the booth Harvey is occupying, crawling up into the seat beside the older man, grinning wide and already talking a mile a minute, "I won my soccer game this morning! I didn't get to score a goal but we still won and that means we're going real good."

Harvey laughs at Matt's enthusiasm, watching out of the corner of his eye as Mike sits opposite them, "Well that's good for you. I wish I could have seen you play."

"You can come next time." Matt focuses his attention to the menu lying before him, apparently scrutinising every available option. Harvey watches him study it, eyes moving too quickly to really be absorbing any information but still his brow furrowed in concentration. When he pulls back and stares at Mike, all authoritative seriousness as he says, "Daddy, I want pancakes" Harvey can't help the laugh that escapes.

They order their meals and chat quietly, Harvey and Mike discussing their respective jobs, Mike incredibly curious about the inner workings of Pearson Specter Litt nowadays and finds a private pleasure in hearing Harvey rant about Louis. Mike finds himself enjoying the fact that he's now privy to both sides of the situation.

Matthew takes the opportunity to tell Harvey everything about himself that crosses his mind. He gives his father the stinkeye as he talks about wanting to have started school that year but Mike wouldn't let him, no matter how much he begged. He talks about his favourite things, namely skateboarding, alligators, and aeroplanes.

The skateboarding piques Harvey's interest and Mike explains all about how he'd given up the bike when he was pregnant and not long after Matthew was born had converted to skateboarding. He finds the activity easier than biking when he has a child, the free use of his hands proving to be most useful in certain situations over the years. Matthew tells Harvey all about his skateboard and how one day he might be a pro skater, if he doesn't choose to do something better instead.

Harvey laughs at nearly all of it, open and loving and obviously completely captivated by anything and everything Matthew has to say. Mike enjoys watching the two of them interact, he can't help but cherish the look of love that transforms Harvey's normally harsh features and Mike prays to that God that is quite possible watching over them that Harvey doesn't end up hurting them all over again.

The first time Harvey and Matthew go out alone together Mike's sure he's going to have a heart attack. They're only going to lunch and then the skate-park, Mike knows that and he honestly trusts that Matt will be safe with Harvey, but he still can't bring himself to relax for the few hours they're gone.

The moment they walk through the door, Matt babbling incessantly to Harvey about something or other, Mike's out of his chair and down the hall, meeting the pair just inside the door.

Only Mike's sudden arrival had Matthew stopping in his rant, "Daddy!"

"Hey buddy," Mike crouches down and hugs his son tight, body finally calming again now that he has Matthew home, "Did you have a good time with Harvey?"

Matt nods back at him enthusiastically, grinning wildly, "Did you know that Harvey can skate?"

"No I didn't." The imagine has Mike laughing along with his son, "Is he any good?"


"Is he better than me?" Mike narrows his brows playfully and Matthew descends into a fit of giggles, the screeching laughter only getting louder when Mike begins tickling his belly and pressing kisses all over his face.

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