Chapter VI

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"Fuck that hurts," Poe said taking a sharp breath as Finn pressed an alcohol soaked hand towel on his cheek.

"Stop getting beat up then," Finn said with less sarcasm than he should have.

Poe took the towel into his own hand pushing Finn's touch away. "Fine, I can take care of myself then. Besides it's not like I enjoy getting hurt."

Finn frowned realizing that the atmosphere changed just because of his tone. He stood, shoving his hands in his pockets and explained, "I didn't mean it like that I just... I don't see why you let people do this to you."

Moving the towel to his forehead, Poe sighed and stared at his feet. "I don't really have a choice, at least not this past time. I just kinda had to deal with it. It's fine, though, I'm used to it anyway."

Finn placed his hand on top of Poe's. He wasn't sure if it was a welcome action but he went for it anyway. He released a breath he didn't know he was holding after Poe raised his head to look at him with a weak smile.

"You shouldn't have to be used to it. You deserve better than this."

Poe curled his pinky around Finn's and reassured him, "This'll be the last time, I promise."

Silence filled the room as they gazed at one another. Neither one of them knew what they should do next so Poe did what any idiot would do.

"So, guess I won't be taking up modeling any time soon."

Finn laughed and shook his head. "Give yourself a few weeks and then you might have a small shot."

Poe took the cloth off his forehead and held it in his hand unsure what to do with it. "Done with my face," he said while Finn took the ice off of his side.

"Then we need to clean your torso," Finn stated. He stood for a few seconds waiting while Poe blinked at him in confusion.

Finn cleared his throat nervously. "You gotta take off your shirt," he explained, hoping he didn't give off any indication that he was definitely turning red.


Poe looked down at his shirt almost like he expected it to come off itself. He looked back at Finn and blushed profusely as he carefully pulled off the polo.

Trying his best not to stare, Finn turned to add more rubbing alcohol to the towel and nearly spills the bottle when he turned back to see a- very attractive- shirtless Poe.

"Yeah that's... that's about right," Finn mumbled as he put the bottle down and takes a seat on the bed next to him.

Finn gently wiped Poe's cuts while Poe's cheeks turned a deeper a deeper red by the second. He wasn't shredded or anything, he was toned, but that wasn't what was making him anxious. No one had ever been this intimate with him before. Of course he'd been with people before, but it was different. Finn was actually taking care of him. The past few would just leave in the morning.

"Done cleaning," Finn said while grabbing a small tube of ointment. "Just gotta put some of this on and a few bandages and you'll be good as new."

"Thanks doc," Poe teased as Finn applied it to his side. He chewed on his lip when Finn moved to place his hand on the side of Poe's face rubbing his thumb across his cheek.

Poe let his lips part as he gazed up at Finn who was still holding his head. His eyes burned when he finally blinked after staring for what seemed like forever. He slowly leaned forward. He wanted to kiss him so bad.

Finn let his hand fall back to his side and turned away from Poe. He doesn't like him like that. This was his friend. Right?

Finn reached for the gauze and when he turned back to Poe, his eyes were glassy and shifted looking down at his wounds.

"All you have left is-"

"I'll put them on myself," Poe said firm but quietly.

It stopped Finn in his tracks to hear his voice like that. Not mean, but hurt. Really hurt.

"It can be hard to wrap yourself," Finn explained and motioned to him, "Especially in this state."

"I said I've got it. You can leave," Poe snapped. "I can take care of myself."

Finn tilted his head and nodded, "I know you can. I just want to help."

Poe let out a sharp breath, "I'm fine, please, just go."

Finn obliged and walked to the door. He wanted to say something, anything, to fix whatever just happened but he couldn't spit anything out. He shut the door and went back to his own apartment.

With teary eyes, Poe placed a large pad on his side and began to wrap himself. It was hard, not that he'd admit it, but he kept going even though it disturbed his broken skin even more.

After he finished, he laid his head back in relief and a small tear escaped from his eyes as he blinked. It rolled down into his cut and he groaned at the unpleasant reaction. He placed a bandaid on his cheek and forehead so he wouldn't irritate the sensitive skin when he slept.

Pulling off his shoes and slacks so he could sleep properly, Poe tried so hard not to think about how Finn turned away with distaste. He scolded himself for thinking someone as put-together as Finn could take a look at someone like him and even think about liking them, let alone kissing them.

He turned his head into his pillow and tried his best to fall asleep, but he couldn't. He tossed and turned all night torturing himself by replaying the moment over and over and letting his pillow catch the few tears he let leave his eyes.

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