Shawn: Hey love I'm so so sorry for not texting you for the past few weeks I got super busy working on my next album but I'm coming home tomorrow you'll see me very soon :D. 

Me: Awe it's okay Shawn I know you're very busy with your music you're focused on that I'm looking forward to what you have come up with !. 

Shawn: Thank you so much baby you'll be getting to hear a preview of the song I wrote about you I can't wait to sing it to you after ;). 

Me: Yay I am super excited I love you so so much I can't wait to be in your arms again tomorrow !

Shawn: Me too I can't wait to hold and kiss you you mean the whole world to me I am completely in love with you, I truly hope one day I can marry you I want you to be mine for life. 

Me: Shawn I feel the exact same way I'm in love with you too awe I certainly hope so as well you are so romantic :D. 

Shawn: I gotta go now hunny my flight is tomorrow morning so I'll see you tomorrow evening can't wait I love you goodnight xoxoxo. 

Me: Okay goodnight Shawn I'll see you tomorrow I am very excited love you too xoxoxo. 

I go to bed with a huge smile on my face excited to finally see Shawn after three weeks it's been too long being away from him ah. The next day I have the day off from work so I get ready for the day and do some stuff around the house Shawn texts me.

Shawn: Hey baby I'm at the airport waiting to board my flight now I can't wait to see you very soon once I'm back in Toronto :D.

Me: I am super excited to be with you again Shawn it's been too long I love you xoxo. 

Shawn: Me too it's been way too long hunny I just want to hold you, kiss you and make love to you :(. 

Me: Awe baby I know the feeling it can be hard being away from your significant other but we're working on the long distance thing more now at least. 

Shawn: Yeah that's true well I gotta go to board my flight now I will see you very soon darling I love you xoxoxo.

Me: Yay see you very soon later Shawn I love you so so much xoxoxo. 

After that I prepare for when he's coming home I decide to surprise him at his condo so I go to there. I arrange stuff around so it's neat and prepare a nice dinner for us he'll be super happy with the warm welcome I'm giving to him :). When I hear the door unlock I'm sitting on his couch Shawn comes in looking so surprised at how neat his place looks and the food on his table. He sees me on the couch we both run to each other giving a big kiss he holds me so tight we kiss for a while after that we let go of each other. Shawn looks me deeply in the eyes he said he loves what I've done to his condo he's happy to come home to a clean place and delicious food :D. I'm so glad he loves it then he puts his stuff away in his room to unpack later after that we have our dinner he enjoys the food. After finishing we clean up around the kitchen after we're done suddenly Shawn grabs me tight kissing me passionately and kissing down my neck I moan we start going to his room. We take each other's clothes off quickly Shawn kisses down my chest then takes off my bra he starts licking all around I feel so turned on then I kiss him down his chest also and licking around. After that Shawn says he wants to pleasure me to make me feel good I said sure he goes down below my abdomen then goes for in between my legs licking my heat I moan a lot. He puts my legs on his shoulders licking more and more after that he goes to kiss my legs down. Then he takes out a condom he puts it on and leans up to me we hold hands he enters me we take it slow then speed it up we're both moaning we kiss each other. My hands go around him and my legs he holds me so tight we're connected as one we stay entangled in each other for a long time since we didn't get to be intimate for three weeks after that he pulls out. He takes out the condom then lays back next to me pulling me close to him holding me from behind and kissing the back of my shoulder. We stay like that for a while then go to have a shower together for the night after that we get ready for bed. Then I ask Shawn if I can hear the song he wrote about me he said yes. He goes to get his acoustic guitar he comes back he sits down in front of me he says he has made this song about me that I mean a lot to him he starts singing he says it's called Fallin All In You. 

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