"How long have I been out." Ever syllable throbs.

"Six hours, possibly." 

   How much blood have I lost in six hours? Have my wounds become infected in those six hours? Did Mara get Prim and Rory? Were they both safe? I glance at Katniss. Has she tried to escape in her time here or has she given up?

   I use my free hand and let it pat on my pockets. Keys, I had to have keys of some sort in my pocket. Peeta Mellark might be a smart boy but there are times when he can be utterly stupid and I'm sure he was more excited about throwing me in this cell then, stripping me of weapons or keys. I smile slightly as I hear the clinking of keys in my left pocket.

What a stupid man.

I carefully lift my right wrist and slip the keys from my pocket. My hand gently pries Katniss's cold fingers from my wrist. I want to shake her awake when her body shift's slightly against the bars, but I don't. That girl never sleeps. I swallow hard and force myself to stand.

"Gale!" Ma hisses.


"Honey you need to stop moving."

"Vicky wake up," I whisper, nudging my younger brother's body with my foot. He was close enough to the bars that I could hit his shoulder. 

  I kick him twice before he wakes up. My mother wakes Posy up and Vicky looks at me in horror. I limp to my cell door, a hand covering my stomach wound. I glance at Katniss a few times to make sure she's still sleeping. No guards were on duty, not one stood in the hall. I slip my hands through the bars and guide the key to the lock. My mother watches in shock, Posy stands up smiling at me, Vicky watches me carefully, and thankfully Katniss reminds sleeping against the bars of her cell.

"What are you doing?"  Vicky asks, in shock.

"Getting us out of here," I answer pushing my cell door open.

  I limp to my mother's cell, unlocking it, then Vick's, and then Posy's. As soon as Posy is free she runs to Mom her small arms wrapping around Ma's neck. Vicky stands next to Ma as I open Katniss's cell.

"Are you going to wake her?" Ma asks.

   I shake my head walking into the cell. I shove the keys in my pocket. I crouch down, once again ignoring my pain.


  I slip an arm under Katniss's knees the other behind her back. I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the pain that I knew would come. I stand up, cradling her small body in my arms. Sharp pain's shoot through my shoulder and stomach. I ignore them the best I can. My mother's eyes go wide. 

"Good lord boy you're going to kill yourself!" She exclaims quietly. 

   I sigh lightly, shifting my best friend in my arms. You have to love the pain. I think to myself as I walk from Katniss's cell. She head rests against my injured shoulder, sending unbelievable amounts of pain through me. You have to love the pain. Her breath warms the skin of my neck.

"Stay by Moms side not matter what. Okay?" I look at my brother. Vicky nods his head and slips his hand into Mom's. Posy must still be a bean because she is up on Ma's hip.

"Stay close." This time I look up at my mother. 

   Concern, It was the only emotion I could see in her eyes, on her face. She was worried and to be honest I couldn't blame her. I had to bullet wounds and an aching head and I held an unconscious girl in my arms. She was worried I was going to hurt myself even more than I was.


"I'm fine Ma, not stay close." 

    My mother sighs and nods her head slightly. I could feel my Glock against the bloody skin of my chest, I could feel the knife in his holster at my hip. Both these weapons were hidden and I was thankful for that. 

"Be careful," Mom whispers. "Please."

   We walk down the hallway. Not one guard walked in the hall, not one guarded a door. It confused me. Could everyone be sleeping? Was there a meeting? Be thankful. My mind demands. We keep walking and as we do I get nervous.  Guards, there should be guards. As we turn the next corner I don't know why but I am thankful when I see a man standing guard, his back to us. We walk back around the corner and I set Katniss down on the floor, resting her against the wall.

"What are you going to do?" Vicky asks, quietly.

   My mother sets Posy down next to Katniss, her eyes not leaving mine. I take a deep breath. Pain, I was in so much pain. I take the gun from under my shirt, turning in my hand a couple of times. My mother shakes her head, Posy crawls into Katniss's lap, Vicky crouches down next to Katniss.

"No, I am not letting you do that." She snaps.

"Do you want to get out of here?" I ask, my voice low. 

She nods of her, "Of course I do Gale, but I also want my son."

"Your son is long gone," I whisper.

"The Gale I knew might be gone, but the Gale, Katniss knows is still in there." One of her warm hand touches my cheek. 

   That wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all. She was using Katniss against me and for a second I considered saying something Dad would have or even trying to use him against her. But It quickly faded as know that it would hurt her beyond repair.

"Where the hell are they!" I hear Mellark yell. 

   I push my mother against the wall and look around the corner. Peeta Mellark stands in the middle of the hall, a gun pressed to the guard's head. He was pissed. I glance down at Katniss who stirs slightly. Pain flickers over her face before its blank once again. I look up at my mother.

"If you hear gunshots, run," I say.

"Where are we supposed to go?" My mother snaps.

"Follow this hall and you'll come to some doors. You want the one labeled command. " I say it slowly.

"Where is the Mockingjay and Hawthorne's family!"

"Send a message to the capitol that you and Katniss are alive. They'll be able to come get you." I glance over my shoulder.

"If we don't hear gunshots?" Vicky asks.

"Still run."  I nod slightly.

   I put my gun in my back pocket and walk to my mother. I plant a soft kiss on her forehead. I ruffle some of Vick's hair and crouch down in front of Katniss, Posy wraps her arms around my neck. More pain shoots through me as I wrap my arms around her.

"I love you bubba." I close my eyes taking in her voice. I feel like It has been forever since I heard her speak.

"I love you too Pose-Nose," I whisper, kissing her cheek.

My baby sister unwraps her arms from me and stands up next to my mother. I wished I could have her in my arms for longer. I look to Katniss and sigh lightly. 

"I love you Catnip," I whisper the words against her skin before I kiss her forehead.

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