Chapter Twenty-Five

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I pounded on his door over and over again "Open the goddam door you jackass!" I yelled before looking around to check nobody else was around

I was about to knock on the door again but he finally opened it, I didn't wait for an invitation inside I pushed past Jay and walked in

"Sure come on in" he shut the door and turned around to face me

"What's up?" He walked past me and sat down on his bed taking his phone out and not acting bothered by me being here at all

"What's up? Seriously that's all you're going to say!" I angrily let out a breath and walked up to him

"What do you want me to say?" He didn't look up from his phone and he kept playing it off like he hadn't been doing anything wrong this whole time

"Gardner told me everything" when I said this he looked up at me for a short moment but then shrugged his shoulders and looked away again

"The kid didn't know anything of importance anyway" I was getting more irritated, the least he could do is look at me and stop being such an arrogant jerk

"I just came to let you know you won't being causing any more trouble here" I threatened taking a step closer to him on the bed

"because every time you try something I will be one step ahead and I will ruin whatever plan you have" Jay put his phone down on the side and looked up at me, I kept up a strong front he's not getting to me today

Jay smirked and stood up closing the distance between us, I didn't move away I didn't want him to think I was intimidated by him

"I thought you promised to stay out of it" he said once he stood up, I scowled and raised an eyebrow

"I guess neither of us keep our promises" We both just stood there for a moment but then Jays phone started to ring and buzz beside him

I quickly moved and grabbed it before he could "Hmm I wonder who this could be" Jay reached for the phone but I moved my hand away just in time

"Ace don't answer that phone" He took another step forward and I turned to the side so I was stood in front of the bed

"Why not" I could tell he was getting angry with me

"Listen to me for once and don't answer it." He held his hand out to me,

Yeah like I was just going to hand it over, this is leverage he clearly for some reason doesn't want me to have this phone and I want to know why

"Just tell me what your hiding" I knew he had to answer this phone if he just let it ring and end he would be in so much trouble

"Fuck sake! Just give me the phone" I smirked and shook my head no

Jay gritted his teeth and reached for the phone I moved my hand away but he must of knew what I was going to do because I wasn't focusing on Jay when he reached for the phone

I was focusing on a way to keep it out of his grasp but he used this to his advantage and caught me off guard and pushed me down on the bed and grabbed the phone from my hand

He quickly answered the call keeping his voice nonchalant "Hello?" I couldn't hear who was on the other line

"I know.... some kids were bothering me" he sighed loudly

"It's your issue if you want me to keep my cover..." I wriggled around trying to stand up but I couldn't because Jay was pinning me down by sitting over me

Okay this isn't working

I opened my mouth to speak or make some noise so whoever was on the phone would hear me and that would probably freak Jay out and I could get up

Jay looked down at me and quickly placed his hand over my mouth so the only sound was my muffled talking

"No! Nobody else is here.... trust me it's all working out.. I don't care what he says" Jay seemed to be getting extremely frustrated with this call and I still have no idea who it is or what they are on about

I stopped trying to speak and just tried to listen in to what they were saying "Chill out! Just tell him I need some more time. This was just supposed to be a surveillance op and if he wants to change that he needs to give me more time"

The person on the other line must of said something that really pissed Jay off because his whole expression changed, the person on the other line raised their voice more so I slightly overheard what they were saying

I didn't hear the question he asked Jay but Jay didn't answer he looked down at me his expression softening and he just looked worried

"WOODS! Don't fucking ignore me man, have you found her or heard anything?" I slightly recognised the voice but not enough to put a name to it

Jay didn't answer again, he was just looking at me "No" he said quietly

"I know you care about this bitch but if you're lying it's your ass on the line, he spared you once because you were of use don't think he'll spare you again" the other person said and Jays whole body tensed and he clutched his phone tighter

Who is he talking about?

He cleared his throat "No.. I haven't found Hunter, or heard anything" My eyes widened they were looking for me?


I suddenly realised how much danger I was in, if Jay changes his mind and decides to tell them where I am this won't go down well for anyone

"I have to go... sure I'll work fast and keep you updated" Jay then ended the call and put his phone to the side

"If I move my hand will you be quiet" I glared at him but nodded

Jay slowly moved his hand away "What's going on" I immediately asked

"You really can't read a situation well" he scoffed

"Ace you're on the bed, pinned down with no advantages and yet you're asking me to tell you secrets that could get me killed" I scowled

I am not leaving until Jay told me everything I don't care how dangerous it is it's more dangerous if I'm oblivious when they show up and I know they will

"Are you going to get off me?" Jay chuckled and nodded

Just as Jay stood up and I was about to get up there was a knock on the door and Jay pushed me back down again so I wasn't seen through the windows

"Be quiet" he whispered in my ear

I did as he said, we didn't know who it was the call could of been a diversion while they were on their way here

Or we could just be paranoid and it could just be some campers but it's not worth the risk

We waited there for a few minutes but whoever was there probably would of left "This brings back memories" he joked

I rolled my eyes "Please you were never on top"

He chuckled and stood up quickly shutting the curtains still being quiet incase they hadn't gone

I took off my jacket and sat up more on his bed "Aren't you leaving?" Jay asked and I just shook my head

"Nope not until you tell me everything" he locked the door and came and sat next to me

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