Chapter Six

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Day two of hell

...okay maybe that's a little far fetched.

This place isn't great by any means but Riley and Farkle are sweet and Lucas and Josh are great eye candy.

A girl can look can't she?

Today we were going to a nearby beach the camp owned, so it was private for just the campers and workers

I liked the beach, the sun, the water, just somewhere to relax.

I was packing a little bag with Riley, I had already packed a book to read, sun cream, another pair of sandals— last time I went to the beach I took off my sandals and when I went back to where I took them off they were gone, I think somebody took them which is just weird.

And I was wearing a white bikini with shorts and a loose shirt over the top so I wasn't just walking around in my swimsuit all day

I put a hair tie on my wrist and kept my hair down for now, I brushed out my curls from yesterday so my hair wasn't ringlets anymore it was just waves and I had my sunglasses on my head

It didn't take us long to get to the beach it was just a short drive down the road

Once we got there Riley and me rushed to get one of the umbrellas so we were shaded from the sun and then we placed our towels down so we didn't have to sit on the sand.

I sat down and placed my bag beside me

Farkle came up to us as Riley was taking her other clothes off so she was in her onepiece swimsuit and I could swear he was blushing.

He placed his towel down next to Riley's. Once he placed his towel down he gave a mischievous look to Riley

"Race you" he smirked and Riley jumped up from where she was sitting, they both ran as fast as they could to the water kicking sand behind them as they ran and it was hitting me

"Thanks guys" I shouted after at them standing up and brushing sand off my legs

I noticed Lucas was sitting up in the lifeguard chair in his swim trunks, but I wasn't complaining I liked the view

I looked away from him, I needed to just have fun today. No boys.

I took my shirt and shorts off putting them in my bag and I sat back down getting my sun cream out

I placed it over my body and moved my hair to the side so I could attempt to put some on my back

"Need some help?" I heard a guys voice behind me

I slowly turned around to see Josh the other camp counsellor

I politely smiled "No but thanks" and I turned away from him

I wasn't comfortable with some complete stranger touching me, especially if that stranger is a guy

It was nice of him to offer but I was capable of doing it myself.

"Do you mind if I sit here and talk to you?" He asked but I didn't want him to get the wrong idea and I said no boys today

"Actually I was just about to go for a swim" I lied

"Okay, I'm sitting over there if you need me" I looked back at him to see where he was pointing and slightly smiled at him again until he walked away

I sneakily looked back over at Lucas who was looking at me slightly chuckling to himself. What did he find so amusing?

I ignored whatever it was and finished putting my sun cream on

I lay down on my towel, resting on my elbows and put my sunglasses on and started reading one of the books I brought with me

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