Return to Kinthaldith, Chapter 11

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A novel by Meredith Skye

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 In the evening, Jesh and Lujen rode back to the Hasson and made good time, arriving sometime after dark. Jesh took the horses to the stable and took care of them, then returned to Lujen's hut. "Who should we ask about this gun? I want to show it to them tonight."

Lujen smiled. "Don't you want dinner first?"

"No," said Jesh. "I've lost my appetite."

"The gunsmith might be best," said Lujen. "Perhaps he would be able to answer your questions." Jesh remembered the old gunsmith shop--it wasn't far.

Lujen handed Jesh the box with the gun. Jesh put his cloak on and headed outside, hoping the gunsmith would still be awake.

The gunsmith's was on the opposite side of the main house and Jesh could have gone around but it was a lot less convenient. He'd grown up in the house and was used to finding his way through it so he took a less used corridor, hoping no one would question him.

He made good progress and was nearly through it when he turned a corner and saw Lord Risser'toranth coming down the hall. Jesh froze, staring at Risser with a sudden panic. He had assumed that the Heir had not yet returned, and now he became painfully aware of the box in his arms.

"What are you doing in here?" growled Risser, slowing to a stop, still aways off. He was dressed in his evening robe. His hair was unkempt and his eyes a bit red.


Jesh backed away, not wanting the drunken lord to get his hands on the gun, but his movement was too sudden and Risser bolted toward him. Jesh turned and ran back toward the outer door. As soon as he'd done it, he knew it was a mistake. He heard the sounds of pursuit and cursed himself. Then Risser grabbed at Jesh, spilling him and the box to the floor, with a deafening clatter. It fell open and the gun and several bullets scattered over the hard wood floor.

Risser stared at it. "A gun?" His eyes held a deadly fury. At once, they both lunged at the gun. Jesh just wanted to keep it out of the drunken lord's hands. He managed to knock it further down the hall, then got up to run. Risser caught his arm and punched him, knocking him to the ground.

Quickly Risser gathered up the gun and one bullet and began loading it. Jesh scrambled to his feet and ran again. It was senseless. There would be no escape. He could never evade them all and escape. And who would take his word against Risser's about what happened? He had already been condemned to death. Besides, he needed Lord Risser to listen to him about the resolution. This would ruin that hope. Now he would never listen.

Risser was quicker than Jesh and caught up with him. Risser grabbed his arm and slammed Jesh into the wall, stopping him. Jesh turn to face the angry Heir who now had a loaded gun.

"Where did you get this?" he demanded, pointing the gun at Jesh.

"From Lujen. I was taking it to the gunsmith for him," Jesh said desperately, knowing Risser wouldn't believe him, especially not after he ran.

Belligerently, Risser pointed the gun right at Jesh's forehead. "Or were you looking for me?"

"No, I swear it! I thought you were still gone."

Risser looked at Jesh with contempt and a little fear. He grabbed Jesh's arm and pushed him down the hall, into the House. "Come on." Jesh had no choice but to comply.

As they came into the main hall, Darritt was coming from the kitchen with a sack of supplies. He took one look at Jesh and the Heir, and the gun and lit off in the direction of Lujen's hut--or so Jesh hoped.

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