Chapter 1

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For the whole day, Gloria and Hop were walking around Galar. Hammerlocke City was much more peaceful than it usually is. As Gloria - Well, Champion Gloria as she's know for, and her assistant Hop, were walking around the Stadium, the cold winds blew strong because it winter season. But even with the chilly atmosphere, they both still continued to walk around just to visit and relive some old memories from their childhood.

"Hey, Hop?" Gloria asked.
"Yeah?" Hop replied.
"Let's go back to Motostoke, I kinda miss it there." Gloria said in a soft tone due to being tired.

Hop just replied with a soft smile which was immediately replaced with a curious facial expression.

He watched as Gloria was clutching the cape she was wearing - similar to Leon's, ehile she was shivering due to the cold weather.

Hop took of the jacket he was wearing when he saw her shivering. He immediately puts the jacket around Gloria's shoulders, making her slightly flinch.

"Here, take my jacket. You clearly need it more than me." Hop said

"But, what about you?" Gloria asked.

"Ehhh, I can take it. You know that I'm strong, right?" Hop said, acting like how he was when they were young.

Gloria let out a small giggle - "Thanks, Hop" Said Gloria in a soft, tired voice.

"Anything for my best mate - and true rival!" Hop exclaimed.

"Oh shut up!" Gloria also exclaimed, hitting Hop's shoulder lightly making them both laugh.

"Alright, I'll call a flying taxi, ya dork."
Gloria slightly chuckled and then called a flying taxi to visit Motostoke.

At Motostoke..

Once they arrived at Motostoke City, the sun had already set. They both walked slowly around the city - eventually going to the wild are to admire the night sky.

They both sat down behind a tree, both leaning onto it for support. They chat for a bit more, talking about some memories they both had about each other.

"Do you remember the night before we battled Milo? - You pulled me up the hotel before we could even check in." Gloria chuckled at the memory.

Hop chuckled along, "Yeah, I was a bit excited." he said, remembering his old loud, confident, and bubbly personality when he was younger. To be honest, he admits that he's changed quite a bit over the past years - but according to Gloria, he's still the Hop that she knows and cares about.

Hop looked up the sky, and smiled. He watched as the stars up above shined and shimmered. He snapped out of his mini daydream when he felt Gloria's head lay onto his shoulder. He turned his head to look at what he suspected, Gloria sleeping peacefully with her head on her shoulder.

He smiled slightly, a rose pink blush crawling onto his dark-skinned face. He gently carried her, trying not to wake her up.


Hop gently carried Gloria to her bed - as he was about to leave, he heard a faint, tired, voice say:

"Night, Hop."

"Goodnight, Gloria."

As Hop walked out of Gloria's house, the phone in his pocket vibrated. He checked it and, it was a text from his brother - and former champion, Leon.

"We have to talk."

𝙲𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚎́  𝚅𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜. [pkmn.]Where stories live. Discover now